Chapter 13 Misunderstanding?

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Chapter 13 

I bolted first, leaving Zen in my dust.

If there's one talent that I have as a princess, it's the talent to run away from my responsibilities.

Judge me; I don't care.

I ran like a pro, not even looking back to see if Zen was following, because I know that it would only be a matter of seconds before the redhead pirate caught up to me. People parted ways, afraid of getting trampled on since I was running like a mad woman. I bet some of them recognize me since my hood is already off my head and my silver hair flows freely behind me.

In my head, I was already navigating a good escape route since I am almost familiar with this town. However, I was interrupted when a panting pirate managed to catch up and was running beside me.

"Are ya' a thief or somethin'!? How could ya' leave and run on yer' own?"

I give him a square look. "Bet you'd do the same if given the chance."

Zen opens his mouth to speak, but then closes it after carefully thinking. "Aight. That's fair."

I looked ahead and focused, thinking of routes that we could take. Based on the sound of commotion behind us, we are still being chased. I didn't dare look back because that would only make me panic and hinder me from thinking rationally.

"We need a distraction." Zen seems to conclude. I turn to him just in time to see him make a pivot, kicking the support on one of the stalls lining the streets.

I'm not going to lie. I wanted to yell and scold him for doing that, but reasons took over when I heard the heavy thud of metal behind us. Looking back, I saw that the knights tripped over the fruits that had fallen from the stall.

Guilt washes over me since the vendor obviously recognizes me as the princess, which made him feel puzzled about what to do. I swallowed the heavy feeling and focused on running away.

I remember that vendor's face. Once this is over, I will be sure to compensate him for what happened today.

"This way!" I blindly reached out to grab Zen, which ended up with me clutching his hair. I hear Zen screaming and cursing at me, but I carry on pulling him in behind one of a travelling merchant's couriers before making our way to the back alley. I didn't stop because I was sure that we weren't being followed.

As soon as our surroundings began to sound peaceful, I finally relaxed and lean back against a wall.

"Ya' done? Mind lettin' go of me now?"

My mind was so preoccupied with escaping that I completely forgot about Zen, who I still held by the hair. He is looking at me with such an angry expression that he is almost seething with rage.

"Oops. Sorry about that." I tried opening my fist, but my hands seemed to be badly tangled in Zen's hair. "Uh—oh."

"Uh–oh? What do ya' mean by that?" Veins throbbed on Zen's forehead.

I laugh nervously. How do I even begin to explain my situation to an angry, self loving pirate?

"I'm stuck."


"I can't remove my hands."

Zen narrows his eyes. His expression tells me he doesn't believe my words. "Just let go."

"I told you I couldn't. My hand is tangled to your hair."

Zen looks at me manacingly, so I tried proving my innocence by forcing my hand to open.

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