Chp. 6: Guess who?

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It's about to get more intense, I hope you are ready, fasten your seat belts ✍️  If you have a fragile heart you can alight now✈️

Music: Lose control by Teddy Swims


"Amanda" Kemi's eyes widened at the sight of her embittered sister-in-law at her door. It was the first time she would visit since she and Duke tied the knot.

"Kemi" Amanda pushed back the door and shoved past Kemi through the door. She sauntered into the grand living room and made herself comfortable in one of the brown sofas.

"Duke is not home" Kemi matched after her, she folded her arms across her chest and met her face to face.

Amanda's chuckled wryly.  She held Kemi's gaze with a condescending smile. "Well just because you wear that little ring in your finger doesn't make you my brother's keeper"

"I'm his wife" Kemi gave an automatic response.

Amanda laughed, running her down with her eyes. Kemi's blood heat up under her skin and her hands started to itches to slap that mocking smile off her face.

Amanda recovered from laughter with a soft cough. Her smile was replaced with a stern gaze. "Look around you....take a wide look around you"
Amanda's eyes did a quick run about the luxurious decor of Duke's grand Condo.

Kemi held a stubborn front as if she commanded her every muscle not to move.

Amanda ensued. "Take a wide, long look...Do you think you belong here? Do you think you fit in here?"

"You know what Amanda...your opinion doesn't matter. Your take is not important..." Her shoulders dropped with a sharp shrug. "I am married to Duke. We are married and there is nothing you can do about it?"

Amanda's held a stern gaze. "You are not accepted. I do not accept you. My father, if he were hale and hearty would never condone that sham of a marriage....." She drilled her eyes into Kemi's gaze. "You are were not and you will never be accepted"

Kemi let out a stifled breath.  "What have I done to  you Amanda? What is your problem with me?" She tumbled out the words.

Amanda stood, her lashes swept up and her eyes blazed like torches.  "My problem is girls like you stepping out of your obscure world into our own world and snatching up our men..." Kemi's brows cocked with surprise, barely recovering, Amanda ensued. "Our men, men that we have loved and nurtured...and groomed...we have dreams, we have plans with them, we have hopes for them and girls like just walk in with your streak of luck and your so far from class selves and you snatch them away from us, you wreck our dreams, you change our plans, you take our men and take them all to yourself. We do all the work and you just come in and reap all of the fruits" Amanda pelted with disdain

Kemi shut her gaping mouth and after failing twice to start a word, she prevailed, her words rolled like rumbles. "Amanda your brother is a grown man and his life is his to live...and I have no idea the sacrifices you had to make to make to get him to where he is today but you did your played your role in making him the man that he is today but he is a man can't dream for him...make plans for him...he...he made his choice and he has every right to"  Kemi spoke with passionate resolve.

Amanda let out a half-baked chuckle, meeting Kemi's impassioned eyes. "Well every once in a while we all make wrong choices but surely, eventually, definitely we realize our wrongs and we make them right. You are a wrong choice for my are not meant for him and sooner than later my brother will see that too" Amanda flashed a wicked grin before detaching her eyes from Kemi. She picked up her bag, shoved past Kemi and stormed out of the house.

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