Chapter 5: The Missing Folder

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Detective Lila Thompson sat in her office, the blinds half-closed, filtering the morning light into slivers across her desk. She had a list of names to interview, and at the top was Marcus Greene, the school's reclusive janitor. Given that he was on-site the night Mr. Raymond Barrett was murdered, Lila knew she had to question him more thoroughly.

She glanced at the clock and decided it was time to visit Marcus's apartment. It was a small building on the edge of town, where the paint was peeling and the grass hadn't been cut in weeks. Lila knocked on Marcus's door and waited. After a moment, it opened slightly, and Marcus's wary eyes peered through the gap.

"Detective Thompson," she said, holding up her badge. "I just need to ask you a few questions about the night of the murder."

Marcus opened the door a bit wider, reluctantly letting her in. His apartment was cluttered but tidy, with a couple of old chairs and a stack of books on a coffee table. He gestured for her to sit.

"I already told you," Marcus said, crossing his arms

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"I already told you," Marcus said, crossing his arms. "I was in the gym. Didn't hear or see anything strange."

Lila leaned forward, her gaze steady. "But you mentioned hearing a noise in the hallway. Can you tell me more about that?"

Marcus shifted uncomfortably. "It was late. I thought it was just a teacher or someone working late. Didn't think much of it."

"Did you see anyone leaving the building?" Lila asked.

"No," he replied, his eyes darting around the room. "I was done by then. Left right after I finished cleaning."

Lila noted his reluctance to talk, but she didn't want to push too hard. She thanked Marcus for his time and left the apartment, her mind racing with possibilities. His nervousness suggested he might be hiding something, but she needed more evidence to confront him.

As Lila drove back to the station, her phone rang. It was the forensic team with an update on the piece of jewelry found at the crime scene. The pendant had been identified as a unique design from a local jewelry store. Lila headed there, hoping to trace its origin.

The jeweler, a middle-aged woman with a keen eye for detail, welcomed Lila and showed her the records of recent sales. After a few minutes of searching, she found the purchase of the pendant. It was bought by someone closely associated with Mayor Harriet Dawson—a name that immediately complicated the investigation.

 It was bought by someone closely associated with Mayor Harriet Dawson—a name that immediately complicated the investigation

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Lila thanked the jeweler and left the store, her thoughts swirling. If someone in the mayor's circle was connected to the murder, it raised questions about the mayor's involvement and whether there was a broader conspiracy at play. She knew she had to tread carefully, as confronting the mayor too soon could jeopardize the entire case.

Returning to the station, Lila shared the new information with Officer Ben Price. They discussed the possible motives for why someone associated with the mayor would be involved in Mr. Barrett's murder. The missing folder from Mr. Barrett's desk came up in the conversation, suggesting it might contain evidence of a scandal or other sensitive information.

Lila's instincts told her she was on the right track, but the path ahead was fraught with danger. The deeper she dug, the more risks she faced. As she sat at her desk, reviewing the clues and connections, she knew the investigation was entering a critical phase—one where a single misstep could have dire consequences.

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