Chapter - 1

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The lonely streets of the 575th   block of  the Egyptian street where Miss Elspeth Wallace's meeting day was to be held, was  dictated because of the many occupations each of its members were engaged in. Every time the unmarried Wallace's telephone rang across its members, including her finance', were either ignored or dejected by the intelligent members. Their most thoughtful  decisions were  either reasoned with undetected suspicion or a vague attempt to maintain their respective status in front of the people of Zephyr  Borough and at the same time cheer  Miss Wallace with their funny little jokes  in a sort of defying way which she would never be sharp enough to reckon. 

While teaching at St.Lummina Academy for more than an era, the tiny place of vendetta in her mind  was still ploying against her greatest enemy, Angus MacLeod whom the whole town seemed to worship. His vague attempts at developing Zephyr Borough by showing off a couple of roads to repair ( It was totally fine, before he came) and his heart-piercing jokes at every school programme, he was invited as the chief guest to show off his cunning moustached   face and sinister smile  made Wallace's need for an emergency meeting at 575th block of Egyptian street more taunting than ever as she attended its nearest graduation programme. 

That small house which she bought for the sake of her vendetta was perfect for any hiding place. Even if she slipped into that house  after killing Angus, the police would find it really difficult to find her there. It was the loneliest house in the block. Previously haunted by the false rumors of a creepy lady who could murder children with a glance of her eyes  staying in that house covered in ivy and vines, until she bought it. 

The creepy old lady couldn't adjust to the stupid teenagers and clumsy children staring at her house every time they passed it. Instead their eyes resulted her to leave Egyptian Street.

" Those nutter parents used to teach their children that I would kill them, if they do nuts." stated the woman before selling her house to Wallace who would give the moon to snatch it anyway.

" Now even the teenagers get scared to smoke cigar in the near meters around my house."

The  old Telephone at Wallace's house worked just as fine as the roads Angus repaired to waste some money in front of his cheering crowd of admirers. She dialed his number. Her hands grasping the wires so hard in anger that it would soon stop working.

Finnegan Flynn was her Finance' for the  time equivalent  as she joint St.Lummina. Every time he came forward to put their engagement ring in her glass of wine at a date (it was almost 10 years) old, she would reject it. 

Flynn memorized her ever so dialogue at his proposal.

" I would never marry or do anything to my life until I kill that sow."

Considering how awfully he hated Angus and many of his friends and her friends, they decided to join together for their ploy. Their ploy for the Assassination of  Angus MacLeod. 

" Flynn Speaking." said a grumpy voice, Wallace so longingly prefered.

"Hello, it is Wallace." said Wallace restraining herself from shouting things like, ' What the freak are you nutters waiting for!' or 'When will your damn work be finished?'

Instead she muttered calmly knowing his colleagues around him and how awfully entertaining would it for them if they find Flynn having a breakup with his Fiance'e after 12 years.

" I want the meeting to be  held today. It is not a request, it is an order. Today evening--" 

Wallace was about to mutter 'every nutters' but she controlled her tongue and said," Every one of our members should be present at the Egyptian street."

" Okay, I am gonna inform 'em."

The line broke and Wallace find herself with the broken wire of her old Telephone.

She threw it on the floor and slumped her hand on the table.  Her hours of calmness and sophisticated talking was respited . She was replaced to be the horrible monster she was in form of the best teacher in the most reputated school in town.

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