Reconcile and Afro Circus Rescue

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[Meanwhile Christian and Thomas are still chasing one of the animal controls and it finally stops at they reach a dead end]

Christian: Alright, you putrid amphibian. Where are our friends? [Just then one more of the animal controls appeared right in fount of them] What the? [Then two more Animal controls appeared] Huh? [And he sees all four of DuBois' henchmen.] Oh boy.

Thomas: And this is why, I have a bad feeling about this.

Christian: Thank you for that useful tidbit of information. But can beat them, because we are Earth's last hope! And what is our porfession?! Who!? Who!?

Thomas: That makes no sense what-so-ever.

Christian: Attack! [He runs towards DuBois' henchmen]

Thomas: Oh, man!

Christian: Whoa! [Take one of them down by throwing himself and takes them to the ground]

Thomas: Oh! RKO! RKO, out of- [One of the animal controls tackles him in the face] (Screaming) Why the face?! Why did they always go for the face?!

Christian: Tom!

Vitaly: I don't think you can do that.

[Vitaly throws his knife at the animal control guards and misses.]

Christian: [Sees Vitaly] Vitaly?

Vitaly: You think you and your brother had all fun. Didn't you?

[And All the circus animals come around]

Christian: What are you guys doing here?

Gia: We came as soon as we heard.

Esmeralda: Yeah! We are saving you. What is it look like?

Christian: Esmeralda, I's so sorry after what we did back at London. But i am so glad to see you again.

Esmeralda: Don't worry about it.

Thomas: Help me!

Christian: Oh for the love of life! (Looks at the circus animals) Hey! Could you guys help me out? For the circus sake.

Freddie: Oh, Yeah!

Ernestina: Yes!

Jonsey: Why did you ask?!

Vitaly: Alright you heard Mustang, let'z help hiz brother out!

Stefano: Ooh! That what-a I talking about-a!

[The circus animals are ready attacking the animal control guards]

Esmeralda: What about you?

Christian: Don't worry about me, Esmeralda. I've got this under control! (Two animal controls tackle him) Ah!

Esmeralda: Christian!

[Just then a Rhino, two Gorillas, an Ostrich, and a Flamingo arrive]

Roy: Christian! We're- [Christian get thrown as he screaming and hits the wall offs screen] Here? Ah, Michael, Are you alright?

Christian: Uh, Yeah I'm fine. Hey! Wait a minute! (Sees all the other zoo animals but one the them is missing) Why are there only five of you? Where's Burt?

Roy: Burt is at the vet. He's is fixing his trunk problem.

Christian: Oh, we'll just have to make do with what we got. Boys! Initiate Operation: "Dog Pile"!

Frank: Hi! I'm Dr. Crank. and I do not recommend this course of action.

Christian: ..... Why does Frank keep calling himself that?

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