Return To New York and Ambushed

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Roberto: (Sees them flying) And it's a hard fly to left field, he's going, going, gone!

Skipper: Up high! Down low. Too slow. Well done, Private.

Private: Did I do good?

Skipper: Nah, not really.

Melman: Man, that was close!

Gia: Alex? You are from a zoo?

Thomas: Oh, no.

Alex: Yes. Yes. But wait, there's more.

Gia: More?

Alex: Or less. There's less.

Vitaly: You Vere never circuz?

Esmeralda: But, we thought you said you're from the circus

Gloria: We had to say we were.

Melman: Or you'd never have let us on the train!

Gia: After all we have been through together... want to go live in a zoo?

Alex: Gia, I...

Vitaly: You used uz.

Alex: No, no, no. I mean, yes, but...

Gia: Trapeze americano, you make that up, too?

Alex: It didn't exactly exist when I taught it to you.

Gia: Oohh! Jet packs and aquatic cobras! I should have known.

Esmeralda: So all of this was all a lie?

Stefano: Balloons to the children of the world was not real, either?

Alex: Well, yeah, that's not real. But look at what we did.

Stefano: l was shot out of a cannon! (Gasps) l could-a have died!

Marty: But I thought it was your lifelong dream.

Stefano: For all I know, your name is not even-a Alice.

Alex: No, Stefano, but it never really was.

Stefano: I don't-a feel safe!

Alex: Gia, I...

Gia: [Sadly] We trusted you.

Stefano: My tears are real! You are not!

Skipper: I can't believe you lied to all us circus folk.

Christian: WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?! Look I'm very sorry for the other Big Cat, but I am very disappointed of you but a stunt like that!

Alex: What do you mean?!

Christian: Oh. Right, right. Yeah, you lied to the circus about you are from the circus to. Worst, you make Esmeralda break up with me.

Alex: What are you talking!?

Christian: Yeah. If it weren't for you, the circus will be our home right now. None of this would've ever happened. You said you were circus, but you lied. And it's all your fault!

Alex: Christian. We just wanted to go home.

Christian: I-I trusted you Alex. I thought you we're my friend, well maybe your not! Your just a New Yorker lion who just wanted to go back to your business as the king of New York.

Alex: Oh! Well maybe you just runaway like Marty, just like back in NEW YORK!!!

Marty, Gloria, Melman and Thomas: (Gasps)

Christian: (Sighs) Alright. Then I'm better off alone without you.

Thomas: What about me?

Christian: Except you Tom, Let's go.

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