Going to Monte Carlo and On The Run

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[Meanwhile in Africa, Alex and his friend arrived at the beach]

Melman: Is this the place?

Christian: Yep, this is the place alright.

Alex: Alright guys, grab these equipments from these boxes, and we are able to go to Monte Carlo.

Marty: [Goes to the boxes] How can you open these?

Thomas: Use a crowbar.

Melman: But where are the crowbars?

Gloria: Found them! [Throws a crowbar at Thomas and opens the box.]

Christian: Goodie for you guys, well we need some goggles and breathing tube for us.

Marty: [Picks up the goggles and breathing tube] You mean like these?

Alex: Perfect! Alright guys, ready to go to Monte Carlo to get the penguins.

Christian, Marty, Melman, Gloria, Thomas, King Julien, Maurice and Mort: Yeah!

Alex: Then let's do this. [Puts on the goggles around his head.]


[At the ocean, Alex and his gang along are wearing snorkels to find the Casino in Port de Monte Carlo, Italy]

Melman: (Muffled speech) There it is. The casino!

Thomas: (Muffled) What?

Melman: There it is. The casino!

Alex: (Muffled speech) Perfect. That's where we'll find the penguins.

Christian: (Muffled speech) What?

Alex: I said, "Perfect. That's where we'll find the penguins."

Marty: (Muffled speech)

Arcee: What?

Marty: (Random Blabbering)

Christian: Shh! Guys, keep it down.

Alex: Yeah. Operation Penguin Extraction does not include levity. We can't draw attention to ourselves. (Whispers) We're invisible! I'm talking really, really quiet.

[The lemurs are riding a swan boat.]

King Julien: (Singing) Everybody dance now! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Everybody dance now! Yeah!

Alex: OK. Phase One: We break into the casino, grab the penguins, and get them to take us back to New York in the Monkey-Powered Super Plane!

Marty: Check.

Alex: Phase Two: We chew out the penguins for abandoning us in Africa.

Melman: Check.

Alex: Phase Three: We apologize to the penguins for overly harsh chewing outing, but we've gotten our point across.

Thomas: Check.

Alex: Phase Four: Back to New York City.

Marty: Check.

Gloria: Yes!

Christian: l like it!

Alex: All right, we take these ventilation ducts to the crawlspace above the casino where we find the penguins. l just need to figure out which duct each of us should take.

Christian: On it.

King Julien: (Singing) Pause! Back with the bass! The jam is live in effect and l don't waste time On the mic with a dope rhyme Jump to the rhythm Jump, jump to the rhythm, jump...

[And at the roof, Alex falls from his own pipe. Marty and Christian coming out of each pipe and bumps Alex! Then, Melman got stuck in a hose and he pops out to Alex, Marty and Christian as Gloria is going to scream while falling from the pipe!]

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