Second Plane Crash and Blending in the Circus

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[Meanwhile at the Super Plane]

Alex: (Singing) New York, New York It's a heck of a town

Melman: (Singing) The Bronx is up

Gloria: (Singing) But the Battery's down

Marty: (Singing) Ah bleep bleep blap bloappa beebidi doah

Everyone: New York, New York It's a heck of a town (In background) New York, New York It's a heck of a town The Bronx is up, but the Battery's down The people ride in a hole in the groun' New York, New York-

(While Thomas glaring furiously at Zack.)

Zack: (Can be seen amusing himself by playing with the window roller repeatedly.) (Taking notice) ...What?

Thomas: "What?", "WHAT?!" What were you thinking?!

Zack: (Sighs) I wanted to make this adventure more difficult! Isn't that a "redeeming quality"?

Thomas: Not with a casino that result in territorial genocide!

Zack: Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred. (Laughing) It wasn't that bad, anyway. [Proceeds to play with the button of the window roller But Thomas Throws a folded pocket knife at a window roller] Aw, come on! I had to! My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was tryna go clean? It just throws out to earn me some money!

Thomas: Money? What about us?! Your little stunt made us look like a joke!

Zack: No, no, no. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad! And pathetic! Like an orphan... with no arms... or legs... Oh! With progeria! Great! Now I'm bummed thinkin' about it! [Starts looking around the limousine] This thing have any liquor?

Thomas: Can you please just try to take this seriously?

Zack: Fine, I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist!

Thomas: Was that you trying to be famous?!

Zack: Whatever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor in here?!

Thomas: You're one to talk. [Smiles in a smug fashion]

Zack: Hey! (Motions to his body) This body is flawless! Everyone wants summa me, and I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!

Michael: That was really uncool, y'know, Zack.

Thomas: "Uncool"? After that train-wreck, The Animal controls from Europe are going the chase us, and they won't give up in until we get caught! [Looks toward Zack] All thanks to you and your selfish bull-crap!

Zack: Does that mean I don't have to be in a team anymore?

Thomas: [Motions "What do you think?"]

Zack: (Snaps finger) Ah, well shucks.

Skipper: Kowalski, status report.

Kowalski: So the good news is this song is almost over.

Skipper: Well, that's music to my ears. And the bad news?

Kowalski: The gear assembly is badly damaged, sir. [The gear assembly damaged popped out and hits Alex knocking him out cold]. It's only a matter of time before...

Roberto: We crash land... again!

Everyone but Alex: (Screaming)

[The plane falls and crashes into a train yard. This was the second time they crashed when they landed in Africa.]

Melman: Why can't we ever just make a normal landing?

Alex: Oh, man!

Thomas: My Leg!

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