Crate Talk

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Alex: [His eyes glow in the dark] Ugh… Oh, my head. [Bumps his head] Oh! Ah! What the...? Wait. Where...? What...? I'm in a box! Oh, no. No, no! Not the box. Oh, no, they can't transfer me. Not me! Oh, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Darkness creeping in. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Walls closing in around me. So alone. So alone.

Marty: [His eyes open] Alex! Alex, are you there?

Alex: Marty?

Marty: Yeah! Talk to me, buddy.

Alex: Oh, Marty! You're here!

Marty: What's going on? Are you OK?

Alex: This doesn't look good, Marty.

Gloria: [her eyes open] Alex, Marty, is that you?

Marty: Gloria!

Alex: You're here too!

Marty: I am loving the sound of your voice!

Gloria: What is going on?

Alex: We're all in crates.

Gloria: Oh, no! Wha...?

Christian: [Opens his eyes] Hey. Will you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here.

Alex: Christian!

Gloria: Your here!

Marty: How are you been stallion?

Christian: Oh I'm doin-. Wait. What the? Are we in crates!?

Melman: [Opens his eyes] Oh… Sleeping just knocks me out.

Gloria: Melman!

Alex: Melman!

Christian: Melman!

Marty: Is that Melman?

Gloria: Are you OK?

Melman: Yeah. No, I'm fine. (Yawning) I often doze off while I'm getting an MRI.

Christian: Melman, you're not getting an MRI.

Melman: CAT scan?

Alex: No! No CAT scan. It's a transfer. It's a zoo transfer!

Melman: Zoo transfer?! Oh, no. No, no, I can't be transferred. I have an appointment with Dr. Goldberg at 5:00.

Gloria: Melman. Melman! Calm down, Melman. Relax.

Marty: Melman. Calm down, Melman.

Christian: Melman. Calm down.

Melman: There are prescriptions that have to be filled. No other zoo could afford my medicine care. And I am not going HMO!

Marty: Take it easy, Melman. It's gonna be OK. We are going to be okizay.

Alex: No, Marty. We're not going to be okizay. Now, because of you, we're ruined!

Marty: Because of me? I fail to see how this is my fault.

Gloria: You're kidding, right, Marty?

Alex: You! You ticked off the people. You bit the hand, Marty. You bit the hand. "I don't know who I am. I don't know who I am. I got to go find myself in the wild!" Oh, please.

Marty: Hey, hey. I did not ask you to come after me, did I?

Christian: Oh Great. What a great idea. What did I tell you! To get out the zoo to go find Marty in the city and we get caught by cops. I told you all it was a bad idea!

Melman: He does have a point.

Alex: What?

Melman: I did say we should stay at the zoo, but you guys--

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