Chapter 3.1: Pastries

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Ari continued to make Kaval's room his own. He took especially to the balcony and spent most of his time outdoors. There, he spent countless hours immersed in the sky. He loved watching the sky transform, marveling as it shifted through a kaleidoscope of hues from dawn to dusk and eventually to nightfall. Amidst the sounds of creatures from the surrounding forestry, Ari occasionally caught whispers of distant voices echoing in the breeze.

A city, Ari thought. A city full of greater demons like himself. A small shiver of excitement and anticipation coursed through him, but soon sobered at the thought. Although he missed Kaval dearly, he did not get to see him all that often. The servants did not speak to him even when he asked simple questions. He was rarely let out of this room as well. Since coming here, Ari has been cooped up in this room. It did not bother him at first due to his mood and disposition upon arriving, but now Ari was itching to explore.

Ari rose and dusted off his pants at the thought. What better time than now? He eyed the balcony and the steep drop down to the manicured garden full of lustrous vibrant flowers and plants Ari had never seen before. He thought better of jumping down although he knew would be unharmed if he did. Ari was no prisoner here, as much as he was beginning to feel like he was. Kaval would do as he wanted as long as he told him of his desire.

As Ari reached for the doorknob, it swung open, revealing Kaval and his ever-charming presence. Ari drank in the sight of him, his mind still lingering on the small, short kiss they had shared days before. Kaval was as striking as ever, and Ari could not help but yearn for a longer, more indulgent taste of his lips.

"You are up early," Kaval remarked, breaking the silence.

"Would you have preferred me in bed?" Ari teased, eliciting a smile from Kaval. "I could do that. For you. If you desire it, it shall be done."

Kaval gazed at Ari, his expression a mixture of resistance and temptation, before licking his lips and averting his eyes. "Teasing should not be taken lightly."

Ari shrugged and took a step closer. "And what if it is?"

Kaval leaned in, gently pinching Ari's chin before pressing his lips against Ari's once, then twice. The second kiss lingered longer, delving deeper, igniting a fiery desire within Ari. As their lips met, Ari eagerly responded, savoring the familiar taste of Kaval's mouth. How thick and sweet his blood must be, Ari could not help but think.

"You may not have noticed, but you have grown in ways you may not understand quite yet," Kaval murmured, his breath warm against Ari's lips.

Ari savored the closeness. He could feel the words as they brushed against his skin, leaving a lingering sensation in their wake.

"Perhaps so... In saying that, I wish to leave," Ari confessed.

"Leave?" Kaval's tone betrayed his surprise.

"Yes... to explore beyond the confines of Nis and whatever plans he has. There is a city nearby. I wish to go there," Ari admitted, his excitement barely contained in his voice.

Kaval nodded. "Then I shall go–"

"No, I wish to go alone."


"You said I had grown. I am no naive child of nine and ten."

"These are demons, not humans. You do not know or remember all of which ways you should behave. How you should speak. Even the currency will be foreign to you."

"I will be mindful. If it pains you so, you are free to check in and see. I am no stranger to being alone and finding my way." Ari pressed a hand to his cheek, pining for another kiss. However, one more kiss will lead to another and then another...

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