Chapter 3: Time

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After their initial conversation Kaval did as he said he would and gave Ari his space only appearing to check on him but nothing more than that. Ari was glad of it. The first few weeks Ari had to wade his way through his confusing tangled emotions of sadness and anger towards the ones he thought once to be his lovers. He did not know whether to still call them that– or rather what to call them now. Much time has passed, after all. That thought brought on another bout of sadness.

Nis was not much of a presence either. He had not seen him in weeks which Ari was also glad of. It was quite apparent that Nis did not like him, for reasons unknown to him, and only tolerated him.

As the day drew to night Ari continued to sit outside lying on the balcony connected to his room. He gazed up at the stars lost in their beauty. It was not long before his mind led him to Auovin and the many nights they once shared under the stars together. Memories of the times before came back to him in waves since their separation and, as Ari processed his emotions, Ari came to see how it would have pained Auovin to be so close to him yet distant all at once.

Ari remembered how the thick, silky strands of Auovin's hair slipped through his fingertips like strands of moonlight. How his lips felt, tender and inviting, lingering like the taste of honey on Ari's own. His brown skin, warm and supple beneath Ari's touch, seemed to radiate an irresistible heat. The golden warmth of his eyes wrapped around Ari, comforting and devouring him in equal measure. How Auovin smiled and laughed then... Each expression was like a burst of sunlight, flooding Ari with a warmth that spread through his entire being. He remembered how there were no secrets between them, how every thought was shared, great or small. The depth of Auovin's love knew no bounds, evident in the gentle curve of each smile, the passion of every kiss, and the intimacy of whispered words into his ear. Ari sucked in a breath, doing his best to beat down the memories. How could he have known... how the stars would fall then. He was his first, greatest love, and he would forever be so. Time was of no consequence.

Ari sighed, closing his eyes, loving the wind brushing against him tousling his hair. What would he do with these feelings for a man who was undeserving of them now? Ari ruminated for weeks on what to do, but there was nothing to be done about it, it seemed. They were what they were. However, Xaaza's words rang true as well. It was only a matter of if he acted on them. Ari had no intention of doing so.

Auovin owed him an explanation, but even then Ari felt that it was not enough. What person who professed one's love would treat said person in such a way? If he did, indeed, love him it was not the kind of love he wanted, deserved.

As for the others... Ari could not help but think of Cyrus and how he was doing. He missed him dearly and hoped to see him again. In saying that, Ari knew he would be somewhere near Auovin. If Ari had to see Auovin to see Cyrus once more, Ari would do so. Cyrus was worth it, and how he ached to be in his arms again. Cyrus would never abandon him. He was not that kind of person. How could he have thought so terribly of him?

Ari rose, taking note of Kaval's presence. He came with a tray with a glass bottle filled to the brim with dark red liquid. There was no taste in bottled blood but it did fill him and that was enough... for a time. Ari knew he had particular taste when it came to blood and it showed more and more with each bottle he had to drink.

"Kaval, I am glad to see you."

Kaval smiled and kneeled near to where Ari sat, handing him the glass bottle. Before Kaval rose, Ari pressed his hand onto Kaval's cheek. Oh, how he missed him and wanted to close the space between them with his lips on his, but Ari chose not to.

"You seem brighter these days..." Kaval said, removing Ari's hand and placing a soft kiss onto the palm of it. "I am glad of it."

Ari returned his smile with one of his own and nodded. "I am. But tell me Kaval, what has Nis been up to? Why has he brought me here... truly. He dislikes me, so he would not do it because I needed it."

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