Chapter 1.2: The Dae

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A new order emerged in Ari's isolation, a disturbing thought. Sascha had not heard of them either which worried him further. Ari lulled his head back onto Sascha, their gazes affixed to one another. If it was as the woman said, it was only a matter of time. The question now was when.

"It is as you said. Trouble would come," Ari muttered.

"Of course it would. These days have been too good, too perfect." Sascha brushed the back of his hand down Ari's cheek, sighing.

"You said it was not enough once before."

"I did, but that was because... " Sascha's eyes strayed away from him until Ari turned his head back to face him.

"You want more," Ari ventured to guess.

Sascha eyed him and said, "We are meant for more. You and I both know that. This was only temporary."

Ari took his hand and laid a soft kiss onto it. "You are right..." There was no use denying it now. Greats may do well in solitude, but Blood Demons did not. They were named Blood Demons for a reason, a truth Ari was constantly reminded of every time he hungered.

The woman emerged from the washroom dressed in Sascha's clothes, the fabric drowning her slender frame. Little could be done with the shirt, but she rolled up his trousers to cinch them at her waist, ensuring the pant legs would not be too long. Despite the bagginess, the cream shirt suited her and accentuated her features.

She strolled over to where Ari had set out finger foods, unaware of her feeding habits. Given her apparent human influence, he arranged it for her. After all, he and Sascha enjoyed certain human food along with blood. As Ari thought she would, she reached for the bowl of fruits and took a bite of an apple before stuffing her face with crackers, swallowing it down with a mouthful of water.

"So you do prefer human food," Sascha said, catching her attention.

She nodded and said, "It is what I am used to..."

"So how did you find us? You never answered that question," Ari interjected.

Her eyes flicked from Sascha to Ari before saying, "I have a good sense of smell."

"As we all do," Ari said.

"But better."

She stopped what she was doing and approached them, neither of them alarmed by the suddenness.

"You are a Great," she said, looking at Sascha. "And you are... You smell different from others. Your scent... it is strong. I followed it here."

Sascha's eyes met Ari's widened ones.

"If I can follow it, they can too." The woman moved closer scrutinizing every detail of his face. "Why is it that they left you alone for so long?"

"They prefer watching, waiting. I have felt it for hundreds of years."

The woman sat on her haunches before she fell to her bottom. "Did they want me to come here?" she whispered. "Oh no..."

Sascha leaned forward, alarmed. "Ari, why did you not tell me?"

"There was nothing to tell. It was a feeling I felt as I felt many over these long years. I did not think of it as much. Well, not until you began to sense it too..." Sascha tore away from Ari and moved towards the woman.

"Who are they, the dae? Are they human?" Sascha asked the woman.

Her shoulders slumped as she shook her head no. "They are greater demons, like you and I."

A cold chill crept onto Ari.

"And we cannot fight them. They will not kill you but they will make you wish they had."

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