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Once the four of them got back to Abby's childhood home, Quinn and Theo went around and grabbed the bags out of the trunk.

Adrian walked into the home alongside Theo. Abby waited with Quinn as he grabbed their carry-ons alongside the luggage.

"Do you need help?" asked Abby as Quinn was carrying a lot. "No its okay honey I got it," he said with a smile on his face.

They entered the home and Abby could tell someone was different. Maybe it was the reality of the situation setting in. Quinn left the suitcase in the mud room while following his girlfriend towards the kitchen.

Once Abby walked into the kitchen she was bombarded with her mother. Her mother had run towards her daughter as if she hadn't seen her two months ago due to the holiday.

"Hi mama," said Abby as she hugged her mother back. "I missed you so much baby," her mother said during the hug.

After the two separated, her mother waited for Abby to introduce her boyfriend.

"Mama this is Quinn," she said gesturing towards the talker boy. "And Quinn this is my mother," said Abby repeating her gesture toward her mother.

"It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Ivanov," said Quinn as he stuck out his hand for the older woman. Abby's mother, Maria looked at her daughter with an approving look.

"It's so good to finally meet you Quinn, I've heard such good things about you and your career," said Abby's mother as they shook hands.

"Yes ma'am thank you," said Quinn as his face turned red from the mention of his NHL career. "I'm so glad you're here with us, although I wish under better circumstances," Said Maria with a small smile.

"Thank you so much for having me," said Quinn as he stood by Abby's brothers. "Adrian, can you please show Quinn to Abby's room?" asked the older woman to her middle son.

"It's okay mama I can show him," said Abby sending a smile toward her boyfriend. "Okay honey, please rest we have a big day tomorrow-" started her mother. "Oh have you too eaten" asked Maria with concern.

"No mama we just got here" laughed Abby. "Oh you must be starving I'll get dinner started," she said before starting something on the counter.

With that Abby and Quinn made their way up to Abby's childhood bedroom. It was still the same as she left it. Not one thing out of place.

Abby pulled her suitcase, along with Quinn's onto her bed. She unzipped both pulled out both of their funeral clothes and hung them up in her closet.

Quinn went into the bathroom attached to her bedroom and placed both of their toiletries by the sink.

Abby cleared off the bed and laid down. She laid there until Quinn came and joined her in bed. He put his arms around the girl and stroked her hair.

"I know this is a stupid question but are you okay?" he asked. Abby laughed, "well I wouldn't say I'm okay my dad just died," she said with sadness laced in her voice.

"But I know you're just trying to help," said Abby as she turned her head and stared at Quinn. He hadn't had time to shave lately and his facial hair had grown out a bit.

"I don't know how I can help babydoll" he started. "I know I can't do anything, but I'm here if you need anything. Remember I love you so much" said Quinn with a smile on his face.

Abby smiled for the first time in 24 hours. "I love you too Quinny, more than you know," said Abby as she moved her face up to kiss Quinn's stubble.

"You know what captain?" said Abby with a smirk on her face. "What" Quinn responded with that same smirk. "I think you should keep your stubble, it's hot," she said as she kissed down Quinn's neck, nipping at his collarbone.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋; 𝐐. 𝐇𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐒 | 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now