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It was around 5:30 pm when Quinn realized he should probably go back to his apartment. He had to shower, change, and shave, so he said his goodbyes to Abby and made his way to his truck and back to his humble home.

When Quinn had left Abby had decided she would finish her vlog with a little get-ready with me. She set her camera up in her en-suite bathroom and started to talk to the camera while she did her hair.

She had decided to go with loose curls that framed her face. Those only took about 20 minutes. This meant she could take her time her time on doing her makeup.

In the middle of her filming, Tori Walkes into the bathroom and started to talk to Abby about her plans for tonight.

"Wait so what are you wearing?" asked the blonde who was standing at the door.

"I have no idea," said the brunette laughing.

"Well I'm here to help!" giggled Tori as she made her way to Abby's closet.

"Oh and it's like fancy so pick out a fancy dress" yelled Abby as she went back to talking to her camera.

"Okay, guys so this is the makeup we are going with today. It's kinda like minimal but like glowy" she said as she put on her bracelet and rings on.

It was now about 6:35 and she knew Quinn would probably be here soon. So she ran into her closet and grabbed one of the dresses Tori had left out.

It was a long black dress with a slit, that had rhinestones down the side. It was very classy. She grabbed some black heels and a black purse and walked out to show Tori.

"Wow Quinn is one lucky guy," she said as they both walked into the kitchen. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Oh I hope that's my pizza," said Tori as she walked to the door. She was very disappointed when she saw Quinn in a black suit. "Damnit Hughes," she said as she let him in.

"Sorry Tori" he laughed as he walked into the apartment once again. "Wait Quinn come here for a second," said Abby as she walked into the bedroom with her phone.

"Hey don't fuck in there" yelled Tori as Quinn walked into the bedroom.

Quinn walked up to Abby, "You look amazing babydoll" he said as he kissed her cheek.

"let's take a picture for Insta," said abby as she walked up to the mirror in her bedroom.

Quinn placed his hands around her waist and, laughed kicking his head down. Abby smiled at his action and snapped a picture.

They exited the bedroom and Tori was sitting on the couch on her phone. "Hey I'm staying the night at Eliases again so the house is all yours, she winked at the couple.

Quinn turned red, and Abby laughed. "Okay bye I'll text you when we get there," she said as they walked out the door.


The couple listened to Taylor Swift on the drive to the restaurant, once they arrived Abby was a bit nervous.

Quinn could sense something was wrong, "don't worry they already love you," he said trying to reassure the younger girl.

"I'm just scared," she said honestly, "I've never met anyone's parents before," she said as she looked at Quinn lovingly.

"It's gonna be okay, I'll be right next to you the whole night," said Quinn with a smile.

Quinn got out of his trucking opened Abby's side helped her down, and held his arm out for her to grab onto him.

They walked from the parking garage to the restaurant. Quinn opened the door for Abby and she smiled at him. Once they entered the restaurant Quinn looked around for his family.

Around 30 seconds later he sported his family, sitting towards the back of the restaurant. He leads Abby towards them.

Once he was about 5 feet from the table his family recognized him. His mother got up and walked over to her oldest son and hugged him.

"Hi Quinn I missed you so much," she said as she kissed his cheek. After she was done saying hello to her son she moved on to his date.

"Hi I'm Ellen it's so nice to finally meet you," she said as she hugged Abby. "Hi Ellen I'm Abby, and I'm so happy to finally meet you as well!" said Abby as she hugged the older woman back.

Jim hugged his oldest son and said a quick hello to Abby before sitting down. Abby could tell he wasn't much of a socializer.

Soon Quinn's younger brothers approached him. Jack dabbed him up and said how much fun it would be to kick his ass tomorrow. Then he moved towards Abby, giving her a short hug and hello.

Luke followed in his older brother's footsteps, dabbing up Quinn and muttering some comments about their upcoming game together, and said a quick hello to Abby.

Natalie gave a quick side hug to Quinn saying how amazing it was to see him again, and wished him good luck for tomorrow. When Natalie turned to Abby she had a huge smile on her face.

She hugged the shorter brunette and laughed saying how good it was to finally have a sister after all these years.

after the introductions Abby and Quinn sat down next to Luke, and across from Jack and Natalie.

Natalie started to talk to Abby about her modeling career, "so when did you start at Victoria's Secret?" she asked as she took a sip of wine.

"Well my aunt worked for them when she first came to America and she kinda set me up," said Abby. "That's so cool," said Natalie smiling at her.

"Oh Abby I didn't know your parents were immigrants," said Ellen with a smile on her face. "Oh yes, they came from Russia with my aunt and uncle," she said as she put some salad into her mouth.

"Do you have any siblings?" asked Jim as he finished his conversation with Jack.

"Um yes I have two brothers," she said laughing. "Oh shit really," said Luke laughing.

"Yes," she said as she took a sip of her glass.

The dinner went well, and Abby got more comfortable with the Hughes family. She expressed to them how excited she was to watch the "Hughes Day game" with them.

As Abby and Quinn were walking out of the restaurant, he noticed how she was walking slower on her heels. "Hey let me hold your shoes, you seem uncomfortable," said Quinn as they walked out of the restaurant Jack, Natalie, and Luke behind them.

As Quinn held her shoes Abby snapped a quick picture, because of how adorable he was acting.

Jack, Luke, and Natalie walked to a different parking garage. Not before saying goodbye to Quinn and Abby, saying how they would see them tomorrow.

Quinn and Abby walk towards Quinn's truck hand and hand. Both knowing what would happen when they arrived home.

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