Lovers in secret

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Enids POV: as much as I wanted to talk to Wednesday about her self harm I don't think it was the right time I mean I did just ask her on a date and we just started to admit how we feel I'll ask her when I feel is right. It's probably going to be really uncomfortable for her since she doesn't like opening up.

I was blow drying my hair then Wednesday walks threw the door with a irritated part on her arm it looks burned the worst immediately went to my head.

"What happened" i said worried because I thought she was burning again.

"Don't worry it's just rope burn" Wednesday said walking past me to wet her hand off.

"Do you need the first aid kit?" I said confused why she wasn't getting it.

"Rope burns don't hurt and also it's not a open wound it's just red and stings a bit" Wednesday said turning the faucet off.

"Oh okay!" I said unplugging my blow dryer.

"Where are we going" Wednesday said walking out the bathroom.

"It's a surprise!" I sang skipping across the room to grab my jacket.

"I hate surprises"

"I know that's why it is a surprise" I said putting my coat on.

Wednesdays POV: I hate surprises the last time someone gave me a surprise I ripped there finger off.
(It was thing) but I will not do that to Enid for now. (She won't ever do it). After I got dressed Enid was waiting right by the closet door where I was getting dressed and I walked right into her not knowing she was there she fell but not a hard fall. Enid made a mumbled "oof" threw her throat and I started to giggle it was pretty funny.

"Seriously your laughing you just pushed me over" Enid said getting up brushing her self off.

"You were right in front of the door though" I said still giggling putting my hands on my knees.

Enid starts to laugh to and we just sat there for a little while laughing Enid was getting out of breath and took a couple deep breathes before speaking.

"Okay let's go" Enid grabbed my hand and walked out the door.

Enid and I walk to the entrance of nevermore and I see lights with a blanket laying on the floor.

"A picnic?" I said confused.

"Yes do you like it?" Enid said with a worried voice.

"Yeah it's amazing I just wasn't expecting this I thought it was going to be all pink and sweet" I said going to sit down.

"I tried to make it as neutral as possible without making it look like a solitary confinement prison thingy" Enid said kneeling down on the blanket.

"Solitary confinements are comfortable"

"Ummm okay emo" Enid said laughing.

"I'm not emo" I said crossing my arms.

"Mhm sure" Enid said laughing.

After we talk for a little bit I take a bite of a pastry it's surprisingly good it's airy and not to sweet it's perfect.

"Did you make these?" I said holding the pastry in my hand.

"No. I ordered it I can't cook for shit" Enid said laughing nervously.

Enids POV: after 30 minutes or so we decide to walk back to our dorm it's about to be curfew anyways so we have to get back.

"Wends? I know we have our own beds and in the same room but can I still sleep with you?" I said asking Wednesday hoping she will say yes.

"For one you already had your own bed at the house but yes we can" Wednesday said grabbing my hand.

It's different this time when she held my hand it was more romantic and not rushing out of a room or anything my face grows bright red I start to smirk.

"Are you okay Enid?" Wednesday said looking at me with a soft look In her eyes smirking.

"Yes I-I'm perfectly fine" i said sort of hyperventilating.

We get to the dorm and I take my jacket off and jump in Wednesdays bed.

"Your not going to wear pajamas?" Wednesday said taking her shoes off by lace and not just slipping them off.

"Ughhhh fiiine" I said getting back up from my bed and Into my closet.

When I opened it there was a bouquet of flowers and my favorite candy.

"Did you get me this?" I said looking blankly at Wednesday.

"Yes who else would have gotten them?" Wednesday said walking over to me.

"I also got you new pajamas" Wednesday said pointing to the wall where they were hanging up.

I walk over to them and feel them and there silky soft like a nice type of silky.

"They feel amazing" I said looking back at Wednesday.

"They are more airy so your not hot 24/7" Wednesday said while picking my stuff up.

I walk over to Wednesday and kneel my knees down a little bit and give her a kiss on the cheek and walk back.

Wednesday grabs her face and looks at me with a glow in her eyes.

"I have to get dressed now I'll be right back" I said shutting the door.

Wednesdays POV: I would usually be mad at these types of things but I was sort of happy I held my face and smiled while I walked over to the desk and set Enid's stuff down.

I walk over to my closet and grab my pajamas and put them on and walk out the door to Enid laying on my bed waiting for me. Enid gasps and jumps out of the bed.

"We have matching pjs!!" The wolf said excitedly.

"Yes I thought you would be happy at this idea" I said laying in bed.

"I love it you look adorable!" Enid said laying down next to me.

My face turns a slight pink at the words that came out her mouth.

"Goodnight Enid" I said turning the light off.

"Goodnight wends" Enid said curling up next to me.

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