Chapter 11: The Accusation

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Previously, in Percy's POV:

The entire class was watching as her sleeve fell back slightly, revealing a giant, jagged, deep scar. Everyone stared in shock, but I was even more dumbfounded to see that...

It was the old scar from the knife she took for me.

Alex Sierra's POV:

Where in hell did Annabeth get that scar??? It looked like a knife cut it. No, a sword. Is she okay? I need to help her. Wait. What if someone she lives with is doing something to her? Percy and his mom seem nice enough, but you never know. Honestly, someone harming her is the only way she could have gotten that scar. It's not like she's been through a war or something. We're only eighteen, right? I don't know where it's from, but I will find out. (Oh gods, sweetie no. you got it all wrong)

Annabeth quickly realized what had happened when she saw everyone staring at her, eyes wide, mouths hanging open. She visibly paled as she pulled her sleeve back down to cover it up. Her grey eyes were colder than ever, but I could see worry deep in them. She shot a nervous glance at someone behind me and walked right out of the gym. 

Everyone was still frozen in confusion and shock, but I could hear murmurs of What do you think that was from? or Is she okay? or even Is someone doing that to her?  Which was exactly what I was thinking. The only plausible explanation is that her new family is crazy. When she was living with her dad, she was fine. I knew I shouldn't have just let her go to that weird summer camp that's only for kids with ADHD and Dyslexia. Then, she wouldn't have met Percy and left her dad, and she would be fine. 

Speaking of Percy, I searched the crowd for his familiar, smug, secretly-abusing-Annabeth face. There it was, right behind me. He must've been the one Annabeth threw a look at. His face looked guilty, rightfully so. He's the one who caused this entire mess. I'm going to interrogate him later. No one does that to Annabeth and gets away with it. 

He glared at me when we made eye contact and I quickly turned away. Damn, if looks could kill, I'd be dead. WAY dead. Why would he glare? He got Annabeth hurt, and got her into this huge mess! He seemed to know what I was thinking though, and stalked off angrily, looking at me and saying, you've got it all wrong, so stop assuming. Ha! Like I would ever believe him! Plus, he doesn't even know what I'm thinking. 

Everyone else slowly made their way out of the gym, including Percy. He looked a bit more relaxed now that I wasn't onto him. He was chatting with Isabel, who didn't seem the least bit nervous about Percy abusing Annabeth or the huge scar. I'd better tell Isabel what happened, she shouldn't be hanging out with him. 

I soon realized I was the only one still in the gym so I walked out slowly. I was going to tell the gang my theories right after I confronted Annabeth and Percy. I'm going to do it during the period that's about to start, reading. Annabeth and Percy were both in that class and so was Lily, so we could confront them together. I would also get to embarrass Percy because he has dyslexia. What a loser. Annabeth also has dyslexia, but she can read really well so she doesn't count. 

Anyway, as the bell rang I dashed into the reading classroom where our teacher, Mr. Rosario, waited expectantly. I was a little nervous as he stared at me for a second before breaking eye contact, and I rushed to my seat. It was right next to Annabeth, who I could tell was mortified, but was doing a surprisingly great job hiding it. Percy was a couple of seats over, still looking guilty, which he should be. 

"Today we will be reading a small article about Greek Mythology because it has a lot of complicated terms that prove difficult to read. Who wants to go first?" Mr. Rosario asked, eyeing a few of the dumber students, like Percy. (Dude tf) He saw that many of us were raising our hands, but purposely went after the one who didn't. Percy.

"Mr. Jackson, care to read for us?" I grinned evilly inside. This should be good. I saw Annabeth shoot Percy an apologetic glance for a minute, before Percy looked up, annoyed. 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rosario, but I can't. I'm dyslexic, so... that might be a problem. But, if you give me a minute in the hall, I can read from my own copy of the packet. Thanks." Percy said. Wait what? He's saying no? To a teacher? Man, he's worse than I thought. Before our teacher had any time to reply, Percy ran out of class and turned down the hall where our lockers are, Annabeth followed him slowly for some reason. 

"Ms. Chase, I did not give you or Mr. Jackson permission to exit." Ha, he'll get them into trouble. 

"I want to go get him for you, sir, I know where he's going." She replied calmly. And with that, she strolled out, not waiting for an answer. Oh god, Percy's rubbing off on her. Annabeth always waits for teachers' permission! I have to work fast to show her that Percy is a bad person. 

I raised my hand, deciding to follow them. "Can I please go to the bathroom?" I asked innocently. 

"You may go, Mr. Sierra. Quickly," he added, knowing lots of kids ditched class with the excuse.

Ugh, classic reading teacher pulling the may vs. can card. I swear, it's like they're trying to piss me off. Whatever. I walked down the hall where our lockers were and saw a bickering Percy and Annabeth. I stayed as silent as possible as I crept up to about five feet behind them. 

"I'm just going to use the copy of the packet that I can actually read! Is that so bad?" Percy questioned quietly, though loud enough for me to hear. Wait. He can't read, he's dyslexic. Huh?

I was even more confused to hear Annabeth calmly respond. "It is so bad, idiot. I don't want you getting caught when you can all of a sudden read the packet perfectly just because it's in another language. An ancient one at that! Do you know how many questions you could be asked?" An ancient language? What in the world are they talking about? 

I slowly walked back into the classroom before they caught sight of me. I was super confused. A minute later, Annabeth dragged an annoyed Percy back, no packet in sight.

"I'm sorry but I seem to have misplaced my packet sir, Can you call on someone else?" Percy asked in a false respective tone. However, instead of doing just that, he dismissed us early, giving me more time to interrogate-- I mean to ask-- Annabeth about the scar and the conversation in the hall. 

I waited until everyone had dispersed to their lockers or empty classrooms, then approached Annabeth confidently, Lily trailing nervously behind me. Her eyes flitted up from her textbook in annoyance, but she relaxed when she saw it was us. 

"Hey, um, can we talk to you somewhere privately?" Lily started.

"What for?" Annabeth shot back, suspicion creeping into her voice now. 

"We're just worried about you. Please, we promise. We have one question." 

She rolled her big, beautiful grey eyes before reluctantly following us into the storage closet. I tried to form words, but my mouth wouldn't cooperate. Still, I had to know. Slowly, I asked what we had all been wondering.

"Is Percy... abusing you?" 

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