REAL Chapter 4: Problematic Friends

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Percy Jackson's POV:

Of course, Annabeth had a great plan to keep our relationship under wraps. And as a bonus, she made it Percy-proof, so I couldn't screw it up. It was pretty simple. We would say goodbye to them, and go "our separate ways", and then we would circle the school, find each other, and walk home from there. Wow, I guess it sounds harder than it is. Anyway, here's how it went. 

Annabeth and I walked back to where Liam and Alex were standing, and we finished up our conversation. And then, Annabeth started the plan. "Alright, well I gotta go, but I have to go get my textbook from inside. I forgot how much math homework we have." She said. We had agreed to meet up by our lockers so that in case someone came in, our excuses were real. I took that as my cue to say, "Yeah. Bye Annabeth. Bye Liam, Alex. I need to go, my mom always picks me up and she's always early." I gave a small chuckle at that. It was true. 

"Oh, your mommy is going to pick you up. Better not be late." They said jokingly. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bye guys!" I said. I went inside. Once I arrived at my locker, I saw Annabeth getting her "math textbook" out. I went up to her and we walked around to the back entrance of the school. Sure enough, my mom, the amazhang Sally Jackson was waiting outside in Paul's Prius. We both got in the car, and of course, mom questioned me about my first day. It was actually pretty fun. 

---------------------------------le time skip sponsored by all the fandoms----------------------------------------

Quick Texting Story Segment:

Liam: Hey Alex what's up?

Alex: Hey Liam I'm just thinking... 

Liam: About?

Alex: The new guy

Liam: Percy? I think he's nice, I guess

Alex: Seriously? That kid is really suspicious. Plus, you know I've liked Annabeth forever. What if they get together?

Liam: I'm sure Percy doesn't like her. If you want you can invite him to hang out and try to find out more about him. 

Alex: Y'know, you actually came up with a good plan for once. I'll also invite all of our friends so he's kind of pressured into coming. Should we tell the girls?

Liam: Sounds good I'll add them! 

Isabel and Lily have been added

Isabel and Lily: Hey guys what's up?

Alex: Hey, do you guys want to come over tomorrow after school?

Isabel: Sure! Is Percy going to be there?

Liam: Definitely! 

Lily: And Annabeth right?

Liam: Oh.... yeah.

Percy and Annabeth have been added

Percy: Hey guys what's up?

Lily: want to come to Alex's house tomorrow after school? All of us are going.

Annabeth: Oh sure! But what for?

Alex: We want to get to know Percy, and we haven't hung out in a while so why not?

Percy and Annabeth: Okay, see you there!

Percy: Address?

Alex: I'll text it to you.

Annabeth: It's fine, I know it, Percy. 

Percy: Thanks!

---------------------------------------------------------- back to reality --------------------------------------------------

Alex Sierra's POV:

Perfect. The plan worked. Percy will be here with everyone else tomorrow and I am going to figure some stuff out. The next plan is simple: Truth or Dare. Isn't that genius? Truth: Do you have a crush/girlfriend? Obviously not, but if he does I'll ask what she looks like or who she is. Dare: I'll dare him to google himself. Some pretty interesting things came up when I did it. Don't worry, I'm not a stalker(A/N: *Cough* yes you are *cough* who said that?), I just wanted to see if he was a bad influence on my friends and me, and boy he is dangerous. 

Also, why did Annabeth tell Percy she knew my address? I was going to text him so she didn't have to offer. Unless they are driving here together and there is no need for him to know! I have to find out tomorrow!

I can't wait. Then Annabeth will hang with me way more than him, and Lily will stop having a crush on him. Yes, Lily has a crush on him. I've been trying to convince her he's a player, but she keeps saying Percy is so nice. I doubt it. We'll find out soon enough. 

Thankfully, back to Percy Jackson's POV:

I'm a little nervous to go to Alex's place tomorrow. It's going to be hard to hide that we're living together and that we're dating when we show up together. I'm sure we'll come up with something. Alex and his friends seem like the kind of people who like gossip, like a mini cabin 10.  Whatever. There's nothing I can do about it anyway. "Hey Annabeth. What do you think about tomorrow?" I asked her, hoping she would prove me wrong.

"Actually Perce, I'm not sure that was a good idea. We really need to make sure they don't find out. I know Alex will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, including information about us. And that Lily will probably ship us without knowing we're already dating. I hope you can act, Seaweed Brain. We'll be facing people who belong in the Aphrodite cabin tomorrow." Uh-oh. Fears confirmed. Great, just great. 

"Alright well. It's late, let's go to bed. I love you Wise Girl." I said walking to my room, which was right next to Annabeth's for the sake of nightmares. 

"I love you too." She said, and then she was asleep. 

Soon after, I was too. 

A/N: Sorry it's a bit short and there's only like one line of percabeth fluff but it's passable I guess lol. 

Before my next update go:

Visit both camps

Listen to Rachel spew a green smoky prophecy

Get Clarisse to smile

Go to Alaska

Call Hera a bitch and say it was from me

Bye guys!

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