Chapter 5: The Dare

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Annabeth Chase's POV: (A/N: Haven't done this one in a while!)

The next day after school:

School just ended, so Percy and I had to go home to get ready for the party at Alex's house. When we got home, I changed into a black sweater, grey jeans, and black ankle boots, (outfit above but the top is black) and Percy wore a blue swim team hoodie and black pants with blue sneakers. Thankfully, it's still winter, so hiding the scars from the war with Gaea was pretty easy, but it would only get harder. We decided that it would be bad to arrive together, so I drove my silver Lotus car and Percy drove his sea-green Maserati Spyder. (Anyone see the significance of these? Also, I know nothing about cars sooo) When I got there, I noticed Percy's car pulling up behind me. 

I got out of the car and knocked on the big brown door. I have to admit, the architecture of this house is beautiful. Before I could study the house any longer, the door opened and I saw Alex at the door. "Hey, Alex," I said. "Anyone else here?" I didn't see anyone, but they should be here soon. 

"Hey, Annabeth. No one else came yet but it looks like Percy's-- i-is that your car?" He said, slightly in shock. 

"Um, yeah actually it is. My mom gave it to me." I said, kind of on edge about mentioning my mom. 

"Oh, that's cool. Looks like Percy's here." He said.

A few minutes later everyone had arrived. "So, what are we gonna do?" Isabel asked. 

"Simple. We're playing truth or dare." Alex said. Uh oh. 

Alex Sierra's POV:

Oh. My. God. Who does this Percy guy think he is? Annabeth showed up in a Lotus car as a gift from her mom, so I get that, but Percy showing up in a sea-green (which had to be a custom color) Maserati Spyder??? How is he that rich? His mom works at a candy store (I think) and his step-dad was my English teacher when I lived in New York a few years ago. No way could his parents afford it! Whatever. I'll figure it out!

When everyone came, I announced we would be playing truth or dare. When Liam asked why, I lied and said it would be funny to go back to a game we all played in seventh grade. Annabeth and Percy got this sad look on their faces, and a broken feeling in their eyes. It was like they didn't go to seventh grade. Everyone goes to seventh grade, right? Anyway, let's do this. It's time to execute the plan.

"Alright, I'll go first. Lily, truth or dare?" I said. I decided not to go straight to Percy because I actually wanted to have a little fun. This wasn't just to rat him out. 

"Truth, I guess." She said, clearly nervous. Yes! I know exactly what to ask her! "Do you have a crush on anyone?" I internally did an evil laugh. I know she has a crush on Percy. I saw her face go red as she answered. "I don't think crush is the right word, but yes, I do like someone." She said, and at this point, she was beet red. 

"Okay, my turn. Annabeth, truth or dare?" She said. 

"Truth definitely." Annabeth said. Funny, she normally does a dare every chance she gets. Oooohhhh, was she going to ask if she had a crush on anyone? If she says yes, it's probably me! Yessss! "Do you have a crush on anyone?" She said. Yesssssss. This is going to be awesome. It's definitely me, right? Who else would it be? 

Uh oh. What if it's Percy? No, no, no, no, no!!!! There's no way she likes him! He's too dumb for her. She is the smartest person I know and he's been failing every class! Plus, he's not even that good looking. Finally, she answered. "Yes, I like someone. In fact, I love him. He is amazing. You guys know him actually." Oh my god, it is me! We know him because he's me, and he is amazing. Who else could it be? I've got it. I'm going to ask her to the fall dance.

Small time skip sponsored by my username because it's true. We all know it!

Later in the game, I learned Percy loves the color blue, and blue food. What the hell that's not a thing. I also learned that his friends from the camp he and Annabeth go to call him kelp head. Ha! That's accurate! He also has a "goddess-like" girlfriend. Perfect, he's taken, he can't take Annabeth from me. I also learned people from this summer camp call Annabeth Wise Girl because she is a genius. Makes sense. 

A little while in, it was Liam's turn. I gave him a small nod, signaling it was time to do the dare. I was sure he would pick dare because he picked truth his last turn. Liam said, "Percy, truth or dare?" Of course, he replied, "Dare." It's time to find out the truth. 

"Percy, I dare you to google yourself and show all of us what you find." He said, and we both smiled huge grins. For some reason, Annabeth and Percy exchanged worried looks. What could be so bad? Oh wait, I already know. I came up with this genius plan. 

And then, he showed us the results.... 

A/N: Also kinda short, but double update day! Go me! thanks for reading! 

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