Chapter 2: First Day

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Annabeth Chase's POV: 

Oh. My. Gods. 

Percy is finally coming! So, as I said, Percy, Sally, Paul, and I moved into a nice house together. Just in case I or Percy have a nightmare about Tartar Sauce, we have to be there for each other. Paul, thankfully knowing why he had to leave his job at Goode, took the move surprisingly well. Sally, of course, didn't mind at all. We moved into a house a few minutes drive away from my high school, San Francisco High School for the Gifted, or SFHSG. It was pretty big, compared to what I was used to, also known as the cramped Athena cabin. My room was great and Percy's was just down the hall. I knocked on the door marked 'Percy's Room'.

"Hey Seaweed Brain! It's the first day for you tomorrow. Do you have your books ready?" I said while Percy laid on his bed playing video games.

"Yes, mom. What else? Do you wanna know what I'm packing for lunch or if I have a first-day outfit planned? Jeez." He teased.

Instead of responding, I just slammed the door in his face. He was so stupid sometimes. Honestly, I didn't know how he would survive at a school for 'the gifted'. Good thing there are electives like Greek, and a school team or club counts as a class. Otherwise, Percy wouldn't have gotten in. I sighed, dreading the long studying hours I would have to endure with Mr. ADHD and Dyslexia. 

The rest of the day was quick but stressful. I told him that all the guys were asking me out and how I kept declining. Percy and I talked about what he missed, my schedule, and my friends. I told him about my mortal friends who are okay, I guess. "Okay. So Liam Anderson and Alex Sierra are in our advanced Greek class. They're both really nice. Liam is super smart and loves all things mythology, so there will be some interesting conversations with him. He's also kind of a geek when it comes to books. Like, the entire Athena cabin full of books obsessed. Alex also likes Greek mythology, not as much as Liam though. Alex is into sports and is on the football and swim team. I'm guessing you'll see him a lot. Lily Laurier doesn't take any of the electives you do so I guess we'll have to wait for your schedule to see if you have classes together. She is super smart but also creative. She plays matchmaker for all her friends, so watch out because she doesn't know we're dating. And finally, Isabel Garcia. She'll probably be in most of your classes but she's not in mine, so I don't know her that well. She's really nice but she is a little stuck up. Hopefully, they will be fine though." I said so that he would know them a bit better. 

"They sound pretty nice. I'm still nervous though. I mean what if a monster attacks?" He said, making his nervous face that I found extremely cute.

"Don't worry, Seaweed Brain," I told him, though I was more trying to convince myself than him.

------------------- time skip sponsored by the poop pile ---------------------- 

The next morning Percy woke up late. Of course. I dragged him out of bed and helped him get ready. I wore a grey sweater and ripped jeans and Percy wore a blue hoodie and some dark blue almost black jeans. We both were going to wear long sleeves and pants for as long as we can because we need to hide our scars from mortals. Of course, the mist isn't helpful when we need it to be. Soon we heard Sally yell "Breakfast!" So we went downstairs and for breakfast, we had blue pancakes, and then Sally drove us to school. 

Soon, we came to the large stone building I had familiarized with stupid mortals, semi-stupid mortals, and the very rare smart ones. Oh, and also HOMEWORK. Percy and I got out of the car, both muttering 'thank you' to Sally. We exchanged nervous glances. "It'll be fine," I told him. "Yeah right." He replied, visibly nervous now. "I love you." "I love you too, you big idiot."

With that, we walked into the school. The halls were packed with students just arriving, putting backpacks in lockers and taking out books they needed for their first class. I stopped at my locker and Percy went to the principal's office to get his schedule and locker number. As usual, Alex was waiting for me because we had lockers next to each other. Lily and Liam's lockers were in another hall. 

"Hey. Why do you look so happy?" He said, immediately catching on to my giddiness because of Percy.

"You know my friend came today. He just went to get his schedule." I said, smiling.

I thought I saw a flicker of disappointment in his eyes, but it was just my imagination because he continued the conversation happily. I wasn't really listening anymore though, I waited for Percy to come back instead. He didn't seem to notice, and I snapped back to attention when the rest of the group came up to us. 

Lily and Liam said hi and immediately pressed me, wanting to know everything about Percy. Was he single? I had no choice but to say yes. Why didn't we meet him before? He lived in New York until now. In the middle of this questioning, someone came up to me and hugged me from behind quickly. I knew who it was right away. "Percy!" That was all I had to say.

---------- little time travel back to the principal's office sponsored by Rachel's blue brush------------

Percy Jackson's POV: 

I walked into the office and saw a woman about thirty-five sitting at a desk with a plaque on it that said 'Principal Burke'. "Excuse me, Principal Burke, I'm Percy Jackson, the new student?" "Ah, yes. Hello Mr. Jackson, here is your schedule and locker combination. Have a nice day!" "Thank you," I replied and quickly walked out of her office to find Annabeth. I had locker number 18 in Hall A and the combination 8/18/93. (A/N: If u know, u know! comment if u get this!) I headed to Hall A and found locker number 18, surprised to find that Annabeth's locker was just a few to the right. She was talking to one of her friends, Alex, I think. I decided to sneak up on her and hug her from behind. 

"Percy!" She said practically at the top of her lungs. "I got my schedule. Want to see?" She simply grabbed the paper from my hands. This was what we both saw:

Percy:                                                     Annabeth:

Period 1: Advanced Greek            Period 1: Advanced Greek         

Period 2: History                              Period 2: Science

Period 3: Writing                             Period 3: Writing

Period 4: Math                                  Period 4: Math

Period 5: Science.                           Period 5: History

Period 6: Gym.                                 Period 6: Gym

Period 7: Reading                           Period 7: Reading

Period 8: Swim team                    Period 8: Architecture Elective

"5 classes together!!!" She said. It made me happy to see her so happy. I couldn't wait to meet her friends and teachers!

We walked to our first class, Greek, together. 

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! I may update again this week because I updated late this time. So sorry!

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