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Bondita was looking out of the window..Batuk and his friends were playing cricket which some what fascinated her,she also wanted to join them...It's already been 2 days and she was perfectly fine now but her pati babu wouldn't even let her take a glass of water by herself, forget about playing.. she didn't wanted him to get angry again,so she let him boss her around..

Anirudh stepped inside her room and his eyes landed on his wife who was busy staring something outside that didn't even noticed him..He quietly stood beside her and followed her gaze.. Smiling lightly he tapped her shoulder and she looked at him startled..
Keeping her hand on her heart she said

-pati babu..You scared me

-sorry, but it wasn't my fault you were lost in something..Btw what were you thinking so deeply..
She batted her eyes innocently and anirudh closed his eyes..
Aah..I know this look very well..He thought
Taking deep breath he said

-what is it bondita?
She grinned and said

-oh nothing much pati babu.. Actually I also wanted to play with batuk..
Anirudh gave a quick glance at his brother then turned to her..

-you know how to play cricket?
He asked astonished

-offcourse not..But I will learn it batuk even offered to teach me..
Some one else teaching her anything didn't go well with him and before he could deny her she continued..

-plzz plzz pati babu..I'm bored plzz let me play
How could he deny such a small request of her..He agreed but only on the condition that he will teach her how to play..She was too excited.. Nodding her head she took his hand in her and started moving towards the door..
This feels so right..Her holding my hand,if it will be like this then I can follow her everywhere..
Soon they were outside.. Anirudh taught her how to hold bat and swing it but she couldn't do it because it was very heavy which irritated her..Seeing her struggling anirudh chuckled but decided to help her, he gripped the bat from behind,his hand placed on her small ones..

Seeing her struggling anirudh chuckled but decided to help her, he gripped the bat from behind,his hand placed on her small ones

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After sometimes when she was tired they retired to their room..She kept her head on his shoulder and said

-thankyou pati babu..
Smiling he asked


-for being there for me every time, helping me overcoming any difficulties, for making me believe that there is nothing that is impossible..
He kissed the side of her head and whispered

-i will be there for you..No matter what happens, you will always find me beside you,with you..
I can do anything to bring this beautiful smile on your face..

One day anirudh returned from the court and everyone one was having evening tea when suddenly bondita dashed into him..

-oh pati babu thank God you are home..
She said breathing heavily
He looked at her keenly..

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