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[ H A R R Y ]
I groan as I enter my flat, gaining Freezy's attention

"What's up with you now?" He asks

"What do you mean now? I'm fine" I snap back

"Harold you walked in with the loudest groan" he chuckles

"Just leave it" I reply as I get a can from the fridge

"You've been weird ever since Nylah came back. One minute you're happy and the next you're a moody shit" he explains

"It's got nothing to do with her" I sigh before I open the can I retrieved

"Right well what is it then? Have your periods synced up?" He asks sarcastically

"Don't want to talk about it" I say before I walk off to my room not really realising I'm slamming the doors behind me

It's not long until my peace is disturbed by the sound of knocking on my door

"Lad please" I say hoping he will leave me alone

"As your honorary and trustworthy housemate that has never let you down-" he says jokingly saluting me

"I'm just here for a chat that's all bog" he replies as he sits on the end of my bed

I sigh as I know I can't get rid of him

Before he can even ask me anything I just blurt out the unexpected

"Nylah said she still loves me"

I see his face fill with confusion until a smirk creeps up and he starts rubbing his hands together

"So are you two a thing again?" He asks thinking it's just straightforward

"No lad. I didn't even get a chance to say much back because she practically jumped out the car and left"I groan

"Well why are you here? Why didn't you follow her?" He asks me

"Don't know where she is now" I shrug

"Then go find her!" He exclaims

"London is a big place bro I can't just go find her" I chuckle

"You know Nylah best, you'd know where she would go" he says and it's then that it clicks

"New York" I say not realising the severity of those words


"She went there last time shit happened. If she's run off there again I swear to god" I say jumping up off my bed

"You really think she would go to that extreme?" He asks me tilting his head

"Yes. From what she's said she doesn't like London now Because of me and now probably because of Mason after tonight. She said her life is now in New York and made out it's practically perfect. When you feel like shit or like a fool you'd want to go home right" I ramble on to him

"I guess so. But bog think about this, she hates London from what you've just said. If you manage to talk to her and let's say you both try again, can you really do long distance? And trust me mate New York is LONGGG distance" he explains in all seriousness

"We can cross that bridge if we come to it" I say nodding waving my hands around

"Harry" he begins making me stop in the door

I turn on my heel to face him before he begins talking again

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asks me

"What do you mean?" I ask tilting my head

"I'm just making sure this is what you want and you're not just acting in the moment. Yeah you were together for a solid 9 months or so but you haven't spoken in time, only just the last week and it's only been brief" he explains

I see where he is coming from

"I mean I still fucking love her" I shrug

"As long as you're sure. But you better hurry.. I've kind of held you up" he chuckles before ushering me out the door


I'm sure the speed in which I've driven to her hotel, I'm bound to have at least three speeding tickets as well as having to pay the congestion charge

I lazily park outside the hotel she is at

Thank fuck I remembered where it is from when we got the Uber

I storm into the hotel and head to the reception desk, probably a bit too agressive as the receptionist seems to flinch when I slam down with my fists

"Is there a Nylah Odessa staying here?" I ask out of breath from running up all the steps at the entrance

"I'm sorry I can't talk about the individuals that are currently staying here for privacy reasons" she says as she hovers over her computer

"You know who she is though right?" I ask and she nods in response

"Right so maybe you recognise me through her or something so please just tell me her room." I plead

"I'm sorry Sir I'm afraid I can't do that. Please may I ask that you calm down and exit the premises if you're not looking to stay in this establishment" she says and points to the door

I make a loud groan that grabs the attention of the rest of the lobby

"Harry she's not here" I hear a voice say behind me

"Elaine?" I question before I turn to see her manager stood with a few suitcases

"You're too late" she says in the most dry tone

"What do you mean? She's fucked off to New York again hasn't she?" I ask frantically

"Seen as that is her home I don't really see it like that, do you Harry? And after all that happened between you two and the absolute storm you and your actions caused in the press and the air around Nylah I find it comical that you think you can just swan back into her life" she scoffs

"That's not very professional of you as a manager. I thought you're there to control her work.. and strictly her work" I question sarcastically

"What you did affected her work Harry. It's all she was and still is asked about in interviews. It's all anyone could talk about for a long time. She couldn't escape it, even in her work which is supposed to be her escape" she explains and I look down to the ground

"Look we've spoken about it recently and she said some stuff but never gave me the chance to respond so I'm trying now... just please tell me where she is. I am trying to fix my shit believe it or not" I sigh scratching my chest

"Harry I cant te-" she begins before I cut her off

"Which airport is she at?" I ask

"She's not at the airport" she says bluntly

"What whe-" I say and this time she interrupts me

"She went to see someone first. I don't know who but I just hope you haven't created some kind of love triangle with Mason. I saw those pictures the other night in the park, I don't know what you two were doing" she rambles on sternly

"Mason... MASON!" I exclaim as it clicks

She's gone to see Mason I bet

"She's gone to see him hasn't she?" I ask and she just shrugs before I run out to my car that's parked outside


I'm about to go shopping

I love shopping

Like abso love it

Probs verging on an addiction but let's not talk about that

apartment block (w2s wroetoshaw) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon