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[ H A R R Y ]

Ethan, Simon, Talia, Nylah and I are all sat in a booth together

The other guys are wandering around talking with everyone

I know Tobi and Vik are doing some neeky competition between them both to see who can find the most celebrities and get a selfie

No way was I joining that, I'd hate to approach so many people

I'm not drunk enough yet for that to happen

We are all in conversation laughing and drinking when I notice Nylah isn't engaging anywhere near as much as she usually would

I look over at her as she is sat opposite me

Her head is down in her phone before she bites her lip and places it screen down on the table before picking it up once again

She suddenly stands up and shuffled past Talia who is next to her to get out of the booth leaving my eyes to follow her as she exits the club

[ N Y L A H ]
"There you are, you've been gone ages. Are you okay?" I hear a male say behind me as I turn around to see Ethan

"Yeah honestly I'm good" I insist nodding my head

"You sure? Why are you outside it's fucking freezing" he laughs as he rubs his arms together

"I... I just needed some air" I say as I bite my lip and look down at my phone

"Is it seeing Harry? I mean I can't imagine how awkward it must be" he explains hesitantly

"Oh no it's fine I just- I just have things on my mind" I explain as I let out a sigh

"You sure?" He asks me

Bless him

"I'm positive Ethan" I chuckle lightly

"Alright well I'll see you back in there yeah?" he smiles and I nod in response before he exits this roof terrace he found me on

I lean on the wall on the edge of the terrace before I take a deep breath

Tf am I gonna do?

I spend a while just staring out into the obis

Looking at all the twinkling lights of London city before I realise I've probably been too long and everyone may be worried so I decide to slowly make my way back inside to join them

"You were a while is everything okay?" Talia asks looking concerned as I shuffle past everyone, back to my seat

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Just needed air" I lie as I go back on my phone

I look up briefly and notice Harry looking over at me with his eyebrows furrowed as I'm typing on my phone

I really don't know what to do because I have these messages from this guy that says he is my brother

The one that left when I was 16

That's who I've been messaging

I'm trying to figure out if it is really him and I am certain it is because he got all of my questions about my brother right and has the same name, knew our parents, knew his birthday, knew where we were born and even knew our address from when we were in Spain

I couldn't tell Ethan because the only person in this world I have ever told is Harry

I regret that now

based on the terms we are on

I was scared for the past two years that he would tell everyone

But he has kept silent

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