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[ N Y L A H]


It's Saturday morning and I'm woken up by my alarm

I know.

An alarm on a Saturday, wtf?

I have lots of things I need to do, I moved into a new apartment in London and I need to go out and buy things for it to decorate and I need some new furniture actually

Oh and probably some food because I have like NOTHING

I groan before I slide out of my bed, yes slide

As I thump onto the floor I rub my eyes before looking out of my big floor to ceiling windows that run along one side of my bedroom

I live on the 10th floor so the skyline view of London is pretty amazing to be honest

Especially last night when all I could see was the lit up rooms all scattered like little squares

I shuffle over to my ensuite and get ready for the day

I wear some cream cargo pants with a white, cropped tank top with my classic rings I decorate my fingers with and my little elephant necklace with some white high top air forces

I pull my hair into a ponytail before I grab my bag and head out of my apartment

I enter the lift and honestly I hate lifts so I don't know why I even got in it. Safe to say I regret it now

Damn I should've just taken the bloody stairs

But actually I was safe, I didn't get stuck or die as the lift stops on the ground floor and I honestly couldn't jump out of the doors quicker

I'm not dramatic I swear!

I walk through the lobby of the apartments when I see a group of three guys all stood together with vlog cameras

I notice one of them look at me like they recognise me

Oh no!

I quickly try and put my hand on my forehead like you do when the sun is in your eyes

I probably should explain something here, I am a model and I moved to this apartment block as too many people found out where I lived

I do get recognised a lot and it can be annoying at times but I love all of the support

"Nylah?" One of the three asks me

I see some girls that are also sat in the lobby whip their heads up from their phones and honestly I'm surprised they didn't get whiplash

"Please don't say it too loud" I joke to him as I stop walking

He nods and his two friends turn around to face me before the two girls raced over to me

"We love you please can we get a picture?" One of them asks

"Of course" I smile as I pose for pictures with them

"Oh sorry I'm cal I forgot to Introduce myself" one of the lads say as the girls walk away as they stare down at their phones again

"Well you seem to know me already so I won't bother with my introduction" I laugh

"I'm also cal but you can call me freezy and this is Harry" the other guy says smiling

I look at Harry and he just looks at me awkwardly before diverting his attention to his camera in his hand

"We didn't know you live in this block? I mean we know a few famous people live here but-" cal says

"Oh I only moved in yesterday, I'm on the 10th floor" I say smiling

"Ah sick we live on the 11th" freezy replies

"I'm so sorry to cut this short but I really need to go" I say looking down at my watch

"No it's fine don't let us keep you" cal says smiling as he adjusts his cap

I look at Harry who is just fiddling with his hands

"See you around" I say to them all before I head out to go shopping

Bloody hell I bought so much but I just know my apartment is going to look sick

I cant wait to preoccupy myself between business meetings and booking etc with decorating

My manager says I probably need rest but I don't actually like rest

I always have to be doing something

I find doing nothing so god damn boring lmao

I decided I couldn't carry flat pack furniture with me obviously, I don't know why I thought I could so I ordered for it to be delivered to my apartment instead after seeing each item today in ikea

I carry all of my 5

Yes 5 Shopping bags over to the stairs as I'm NOT taking the lift even though I survived this morning I'm not taking any chances

I suddenly feel myself accidentally walk into a tall figure

"Oh god I'm sorry" I say as I look up and it's freezy from this morning

"Oh it's fine" he says reassuringly

I don't say anything in reply as I try to lug my many bags up the stairs

I make it up like 5 steps when I hear him talk behind me

"Do you need any help?" He asks

"Nah I'm fine thanks" I say smiling as I continue walking

I hear quick footsteps behind me until I notice him standing in front of me

"You cant carry all of these up 10 flights of stairs" he laughs before putting his hands out to take some bags

"Thank you" I say sighing in defeat as I hand him two bags

"Anytime" he smiles as we make our way up the stairs

I arrive at my apartment finally!

"thought about using the lift next time?" He asks chuckling

"Fuck no! They scare me" I laugh as I dig around my bag to find my keys

"Understandable" he laughs

"Anyways I'll see you" he says before walking away as I shove all of my bags through the door

"See you" I shout down the corridor before I see him disappear into the lift

It's too late to start decorating right now so I just plonk myself down on my bed before opening up Instagram

I decide to take a selfie and quickly post it

I see all the likes and comments and follows come flooding in

I have a solid following of 35mill

Which I know is highly successful and I'm super proud but followers isn't a goal of mine, my goal is to one day walk for Gucci or Versace or even Victoria secret

One of those big designers would be amazing to work with!

The biggest I've walked for is Balmain which is HUGE but everyone still has higher goals

I don't think anyone is ever done if you know what I mean?

I'm always trying to aim higher

And before I know it I fall asleep

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