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[ H A R R Y ]
"So let's start with an easy one, what is my favourite food?" I ask as I look down at my phone with the questions I prepared

"The thing is I could go highly inappropriate with this one" Nylah laughs as she writes on her whiteboard

"Oh my god I just clocked what you said" freezy says as he bursts out laughing

I drop my head into my hand as I sigh

"This is going to be a long video" I chuckle in the middle of them

"This is actually so easy" Nylah chuckles as freezy scratches his chin

"I think I'm on the ropes already boggo" he laughs

"Bad friend you are. Bad friend" I say pointing at him with my phone

"Right so let's see your answers" I say and they both flip their boards around

I see that freezy chose Nando's and Nylah chose sushi

"Oh god it is sushi isn't it" freezy says as he reads Nylah's board and stands up in frustration

"FUCK" he shouts as Nylah just laughs at him

"It was in fact sushi" I laugh making freezy suck his teeth in annoyance

"Right right so what is my full name" I ask knowing that hopefully I have caught them out

"Oh fuck. Boggo I cant lie I really don't know" freezy laughs

I see Nylah laugh cockily next to me

"The thing is she is writing down a lot so it must be hella long" freezy says trying to work it out

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to push you for an answer" I say to him

"I really don't know, Harry Andrew Lewis I don't have a clue" he says

"Wrong" I shake my head

"Go on you sweat what is it" freezy says to Nylah jokingly making her laugh

"It's Harry Christopher George Lewis" she says turning her board around to show

"Oh my god" freezy yells as he crashes back onto the couch

"You're so shit at this" Nylah says to him

"We never talk about this shit" he replies with his head in his hands


"Well it's clear to see who knows me better" I laugh as I outro my video

Nylah stands up and bows

"Thank you thank you" she says lapping up all the glory as freezy shakes his head and boos her

"Sore loser" she replies chuckling

"Fair play" he says as they share a handshake

I say my last few words before I cut the camera

I turn around to see freezy walking away to his room I assume and Nylah is on her phone texting away

"Harry I'm sorry I've got to go" she says looking sad

"Is everything okay?" I ask as I place an arm around her waist

"Yeah Harry it's fine it's just work things with Elaine she wants me at her office now" she sighs as she shoves her phone in her pocket

I sigh as I will be fucking bored all day

"I'll see you later though" she smiles as she places her hands on the back of my neck before I lean down to kiss her

"Love you" she says pulling away before leaving

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