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[H A R R Y]
I'm attempting to dance, making a dick of myself, with the lads when my energy comes to a halt as I receive a text message that leaves me speechless


——————————[ earlier on] —————————

[ N Y L A H ]
"We need to talk but I don't know if you're mature enough for that" I say to her as I just want to throw bricks at her face

She scoffs in reply as she looks me up and down

"You think you're it don't you? Waltzing in with your long silky gross hair thinking you can just take Harry away from me" she replies with a smirk on her face

"Oh boy you fight like a year 7" I chuckle as she looks down to the ground in what I hope is embarrassment

"Look Katie, why do you keep bombarding Harry with messages? He is not interested! He has moved on with me and I know that probably hurts like a bitch but it's been over a year since you two ended things and that was kinda your fault so..." I explain to her HOPING and PRAYING I'm getting through to her

I got Ethan to get me Katie's number so I could message her to meet up

He was reluctant at first but eventually gave me it

I felt like I really needed to talk to her and find out what the fuck is going on

If Harry won't tell me I'll find out myself

"Fine. But he has really downgraded" she says looking me up and down AGAIN

"You know saying that to someone who's job is basically their appearance doesn't really work. You can't say he downgraded from an unemployed uni graduate to one of the highest paid models in the U.K." I say feeling an overwhelming sense of confidence

"Ugh I hate you" she spits

"You really are a year 7 aren't you" I laugh

Before I know it I feel her palm make contact with my cheek

I'm in shock as I look up at her as my cheek stings so bad

I look around the pub that we met up in and I see people filming on their phones

That's when I knew

There is no way I can hit her back

I would lose my job, everything

I need to just walk away as much as that pisses me off

I would love to club her with a bar stool but I can't


"Only the weakest people fight physically" I spit before I grab my bag and dash out the pub as I hear Katie shout something back

"So is that why Harry did what he did to Will then?" I hear her yell behind me

I don't stop as I head for my Uber that's waiting outside

How does she know Harry attacked Will?

Unless she is still speaking to Will...

[ H A R R Y ]
I cannot believe the video footage I've been sent

No way did Nylah go and meet Katie?

She didn't tell me

Why did she say she was going home?

And why the fuck did Katie hit her?

I feel like this situation is getting so out of control

I try to remove myself from the party and step outside of Lux's house for a minute to try and call Nylah

"Come on Ny" I say impatiently as the phone just rings and rings

"You alright?" I hear someone ask from the door

I really don't want to speak to him right now

"Will honestly just fuck off" I spit as I turn around to face him with my phone still pressed to my ear

"I'm trying to be nice here" he replies

"Seriously I don't want to talk to you" I reply groaning

Why can't he get the message and leave me alone?

"Fine but don't say I didn't try" he says before he heads back inside, slamming the door behind him

As the door slams I start to feel my phone vibrating in my hand and I see Nylah's face pop up on the screen

I don't hesitate as I accept the call

"Nylah!" I exclaim

"Harry look we need to talk" she says down the phone sounding so serious

"Now?" I ask eagerly

"I'm sorry I'm going to go asleep now but I just needed to tell you we need to talk so... tomorrow now?" She asks

"Yeah sure, first thing" I say nodding even though she can't see me

"Harry, I have a shoot first thing tomorrow" she reminds me

"Fuck well why can't we just talk now?" I ask

"We need the talk in person, it can wait till tomorrow it's fine but I thought I should give you a quick ring back now because I saw your 5 missed calls" she laughs

"Well I saw the video" I admit

She goes silent

"I saw you and Katie. Are you okay?" I ask genuinely

"Yeah I'm good just my cheek is bright red still so I hope it is back to normal for my shoot" she explains

"Who is your shoot with? I don't think I ever asked" I say feeling guilty for not taking an interest

"It's fine, it's with ELLE U.K. and there is like a whole interview conference thing after the shoot so guess what the main topic will be about" she laughs sarcastically

"Oh god. My worst nightmare but I'm sure you'll do amazing" I say reassuringly

"Come with me" she says taking me by surprise


"Come with me to the shoot and you might be allowed in at the interview conference I don't know" she suggests

"I'd love to" I say smiling to myself

"I'm leaving at 8 so I really should sleep now" she says and I can hear her lightly laughing

"Goodnight Nylah" I say

"Goodnight Harry, see you tomorrow. MWAH" I hear her say down the phone before the phone cuts off


I'm so hungry

Imma eat a whole tub of pringles actually

Sour cream and onion for the win

Also hope you're enjoying the story?

I'm planning on making it SO juicy

💥 like bam

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