chapter 78

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The inside of the forest did not look like a forest at all. It instead looked like a hospital.

Elsa was confused as to what was going on. She was standing in a hallway filled with doctors walking around and patients waiting in benches.

Elsa saw the little girl standing facing her left not so far from her. She was looking at something on her left.

"Come, Elsa. Come and see. I promise, it is beautiful." She said with a childish adorable voice.

Elsa walked over to the girl slowly but she was still confused and scared as to how they got to the hospital when they were just in the forest a second ago.

The little girl was facing a glass window of the hospital and watching what was happening inside.

Elsa looked at the what she was seeing and it was a woman giving birth. She was confused at first until one of the doctors who was blocking the mother's face moved. And a face that was identical to hers reflected in her eyes.

And just then, the urn in her hand disappeared.

The woman was laying on that bed and pushing her baby with sweat dripping from her forehead. It was only her with and medical experts in the room.

Elsa looked at the woman confused. She looked like how young she looked when she was 20, two years ago. But she didn't look like her, she looked like...

"Push! Gwen, push! Bring this child into our world!"

"You're doing amazing Gwen! One more, just one more!"

The woman let out a blood curdling scream as she pushed the baby out. And the next thing, was a child's cry.

"Oh, it's girl! A beautiful baby girl!" One of the nurses said.

"Can I see her? Can I see my baby?"

That sounded like Gwen's voice. That was Gwen's voice she heard.

She was given the baby and she smiled sweetly before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Now you rest. Let me get this little angel all cleaned up. Okay?"

Before the nurse could leave the room with the baby, Gwen called out to her, "Lauren!"

The nurse turned to her, and Gwen said weakly, "Be gentle."

The nurse just chuckled. "Of course, Gwen. She is like my niece, she is safe with me."

The nurse then carried the baby away walking past Elsa and the little girl
like she didn't see them. Elsa looked at the
nurse and felt something in her heart as she saw the baby in her arms. She watched them until they disappeared into a room.

Elsa then looked through the window, Gwen was sleeping peacefully on the bed looking exhausted.

She was just about to go inside and talk to her when a little hand grabbed hers suddenly.

"Elsa?... Wasn't that beautiful?"

Elsa stopped and turned to look at the little girl next to her. That was when she saw her face for the first time. The doll like face smiling at her sweetly.

"Yuliana!" She immediately exclaimed.

And the moment she called out that name, Elsa's eyes shot open.

She looked around her surrounding and she was in bed. She was breathing heaving and her night gown was drenched in sweat.

She sat up holding her chest looking around confused. It was just a dream? That was all just a dream?

What did she just dream about? About her sister giving birth? To a daughter?

She dreamt about a little girl she only met once at the bus? She dreamt about Yuliana?

Why? Why would she dream about that?

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