chapter 15

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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


At that very moment, because everything was pin drop silent since everyone was waiting for the groom to answer, the clicking sound of my shoes got louder.

And it was literally the only sound anyone in the room could hear which made me panic a little.

I felt so uncomfortable about that and quickened my pace to the nearest bench.

I didn't want to disturb the ceremony. Especially since I am practically gate crushing.

The groom should say the two words already because the silence was getting very awkward now. Funny too, to be honest.

It seems like the sound of my heels on the floor was heard all the way to the altar because the groom turned his head around and his eyes landed on me.

And the moment he saw me, there was a shocked look all over his face. He looked frozen. Like he had turned into a statue

He stared like that for some good seconds which made me look at him confused. I was so confused, I stopped my steps and stood in the middle of the church wondering what was going on.

I thought maybe it's because I was trespassing a private event or something. That is why the groom is looking at me like that. I decided then to turn and leave before I brought trouble to myself. I should leave before he asks someone to kick me out seeing that I am a stranger at his wedding.

I started walking away quickly. Only for me to immediately hear a woman's voice calling out, "Jeremy!", and then, footsteps coming towards me.

"Jeremy, where are going?.. Jeremy..." The voice sounded like the bride's. The same voice that just said 'I do'. Some few seconds ago.

"Jeremy! Jeremy!" She screamed very loudly behind me. Her voice filled with confusion and panic.

Then there was murmurs that could be heard all over the church.

"W-What's going on?"

"I have no idea!"

"Where is the groom going?"

"Could something bad have happened that's why he is leaving in such a hurry?"

The guests sounded confused.

Was this man they called Jeremy coming towards me? Was he coming to catch up to me?... If so, why?.. No no, I don't want to find out. Why leave his wedding, leave his bride at the altar during their vows after seeing me?

I started feeling nervous and I clutched on to bag tightly as I kept walking out of the church, not slowing my pace.

The footsteps got closer and closer when I got out of the church and reached outside, which made me feel like running.

But before I could act on that thought, a hand grabbed my arm making me stop my tracks.

I turned around to push the one responsible away with annoyance in my face.

And the person responsible was the groom, the one who was at the altar just a second ago.

He was a tall man. A very handsome one infact. That was something I noticed at first glance. He was dressed in a well-tailored black tuxedo, and white shirt with a black tie. His hair was dark brown and his eyes deep chocolate brown. His lips full and pink.

His aura though, hostile.

I tried to pull my hand away from the stranger but he didn't let me. What he did instead, was hold my other arm then pull me to him roughly.

"How many lives do you have Gwen?.... How are you not dead?" He asked gritting his teeth.

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