chapter 16

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                      👼 MY ANGEL 👼

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Gwen? He knows Gwen? What does this mean?

And he asking why she is not dead? Could he know what happened to her? Or rather, why it happened to her?

Could he know who did it? Who murdered my sister? If so, would he tell me?...

What did my nosey self just stumble into?

I wanted to ask him if he knew Gwen immediately and ask what he knew about her death. But... It felt like the fact that Gwen wasn't dead seemed to have annoyed him to the bone. His face showed how angry he was. His grip on my hand tightened after those words, as he stared at me with murderous eyes that made start shaking to my core.

He was looking at me like the wanted to kill me. His eyes felt like lasers piercing into my skin.

Remembering the fact that the person who shot my sister was a man, I immediately felt scared. For all I know this groom could be killer, the one who pulled the trigger. That is why he was surprised when he saw me. That is why he is asking if I have many lives. He thought he killed me... Well, Gwen.

I decided to defend myself immediately from him and get out of his strong grip that was starting to hurt.

"Let go of me, Sir! I don't know you!" I said struggling.

Coincidentally, at that very moment, the first snow of the year started falling down hitting our heads. The air got even more chilly around us.

He pulled me closer and had his face next to mine making me flinch at feeling breath. "Did you just say you don't know me, Gwen?.. Is this one of your tricks?.... What is this one called now? 'Pretending to have amnesia?"... Huh?" He asked mockingly.

"Why are you following me sir? Why are you holding my arms?" I asked confused.

I wanted to know what he wants first before anything else.

"Gwen, why are you not dead?" He asked again then held my arms even tighter.

I thought of telling him I am Gwen's twin but his hostility made me feel that won't be a good idea.

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about. My name isn't Gwen, it's Elsa." I said introducing myself.

But the stranger's eyes became darker after he heard that. He then scoffed. "I am not stupid, Gwen! So you better not try to treat me as such!" He starting to scare me now with how hostile his tone was.

He then looked into her eyes staring at it a little as his narrowed. "Contacts? You think contact lenses will hide your identity?.. You despicable woman!" He asked in a mocking voice. His eyes filled with rage.

Despicable woman? Those are the words he used to describe Gwen?

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about, you must be mistaking me for someone else. Please, let me go." My voice was shaking.

"You tried to fake your own death to run away from mne, right? I will not let you disappear again. You're coming with me."

And with that, he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to a car close by on the parking space.

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