Chapter 35: Oh Boy

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Heading back from the coffee shop, Larro just couldn't get the darn smile off of his face. He was sure people probably thought that he was nuts. Maybe he was, but he was just that excited to see Arron again.

Before he left he'd gotten Jordan's phone number and called him the second he got back to his car. He said that he would be home around seven that evening, so he could come over then.

Parking at his apartment, he quickly hopped out and ran up the stairs. It was only four o' clock, but he wanted to make something for the kid.

Wait, can I even cook stuff besides boxed macaroni and cheese and underdone steaks?

To the internet! He thought as he threw open the door and hurried inside. His breaks were instantly put on when he saw Paskal licking Tayn's face on the sofa, though. They were both in their hyena forms and when Larro stepped into the room their eyes turned to him, but Pask quickly went back to grooming Tayn.

Okay, I definitely missed something. Why isn't Tayn biting his head off?

Sensing his confusion Tayn slipped off of the sofa and padded over to nuzzle against his leg in greeting.

"Hey you." Larro said as he leaned over and gently scratched behind his ears as Pascal grumbled into his mind.

What was that for, Pask?


Larro glanced up, narrowing his eyes at him, but Pascal just flared his nose a bit and snorted.


Pask, I told you he...

Before he could finish thinking to him he hopped off the sofa and sauntered over to Tayn. He licked the others' muzzle and Larro winced, waiting for blood. However, when Tayn just returned the gesture with a nuzzle, he was seriously confused.

"Uh... are you two feeling okay?" He asked.

Normally, he had to pry Pask off the poor kid. Now it was almost like they were dating or something.

Tayn, is everything okay?

His hyena looked up and licked Larro's hand.

Are you still in heat? Don't let that mess with your head.

He snorted and cackled before licking Pask's nose again.

I am, but I don't know. He isn't being rude anymore and he actually took me out yesterday. Granted, he lied and said that you were waiting there, but it was still nice. I'm not letting the heat affect my decisions though, I promise.

As long as he was being careful. Larro didn't want him making a mistake that may result in a little fuzzy bundle of fluff. Not that he wouldn't welcome a pup, but he didn't want him doing something he wasn't ready for nor wanting.

"Alright, I'll be going out to see Arron tonight so you two will have to find something to eat." He said.

I've already got something. Pascal thought to him.

Pask! Larro reprimanded.

Chill, I won't do anything to him that he doesn't want me to do. Pask replied.

You know he's in heat. You aren't just playing him, are you?

Larro let a growl rumble quietly as he thought those words to him but Pask didn't seem upset at all.

I know he's in heat, and if he asks for help, I won't hesitate. All I want right now, though, is to have his attention and maybe, eventually, his heart.

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