Chapter 29: You Lose Some

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Shoving his way out of the car, Rylan growled a warning as he straightened his messy shirt back down. The girl inside was a lioness from their local pride who was in heat. He'd thought that he'd do her a favor and get himself some pleasure in the process, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even kiss her.

His lion grumbled in his head but he shoved it aside, not wanting to be reminded of why he couldn't sleep with the busty blond.

The lioness quickly got dressed and followed him up the stairs of their school as the bell rang to signal that lunch was ending. He hadn't had much of an appetite lately so he tended to skip lunch and sometimes even breakfast.

"Rylan, wait for me!" The girl called after him. No doubt she was stumbling around in her too-high heels trying to catch up to him.

That whiny voice.

Turning on her, he let his mane partially show as he growled out another warning.

"Go away!"

He knew that he shouldn't have been so mean, but he hadn't been himself lately. His eyes followed the crying girl as she ran around him back inside the building. Giving a tired sigh, Rylan turned and stalked back down the steps toward his car. He would get in trouble with his coach for skipping classes again, but he was too valuable to the team to suspend.

"Where ya going, little lion?"

Of course he'd be here.

Erin stopped a few feet in front of him as he turned around to face him. The guy seriously pissed him off, even more-so than the slutty girls that followed his tail everywhere he went, expecting to become his mate. Of all the people to touch Arron, it just had to be him.

Rylan also heard that he had asked the kid out before he'd disappeared. That alone made him want to kill him, but he was a damned elephant. Even in his human form he could handle Rylan... which was what all the bruises on his body from the past week proved. He had attacked him twice already out of sheer spite, but each time Erin easily blocked his punches and sent him flying.

"What do you want, elephant?" He ground out, not wanting to deal with him right then.

He always seemed to be the picture perfect image of calm during the stressful week. Rylan knew that it was an elephant thing not to get too caught up in stuff, but the guy hardly ever showed any kind of negative emotion at all.

"I just talked with Arron's mom." Erin said with a slight grin.

I told her to call me with information! Why did she talk to him instead?

"She didn't want to call you because you're supposed to be in class. Arron called and said that he would be home late tonight."

He's coming back tonight?

Rylan was gone in a flash, his lion having torn through his clothes without a care as it started running. If Arron was coming back that evening, he would be the first one to meet him.

Arron's mother was standing outside sweeping the porch when he arrived, panting quietly from the run. She looked up with a light chuckle and a nod before disappearing inside the house. She returned a minute later with a bowl of water that had a few ice cubes in it. As soon as it was set in front of him Rylan gulped it down, then began crunching the ice happily. It was one of his lion's few vices... it really loved ice.

When he felt a hand sifting through his partial mane he glanced up.

"He'll be home soon. I know that you missed him and that means a lot to me. I'm glad he has good friends like you and Erin."

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