Chapter 32: Spoiled Paws

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Being in Terran's arms was a bit odd, but at least he was away from a brooding Rylan right then. He knew that he wouldn't hurt him, but he was angry and it was smart to give an angry lion space. After a quiet minute Arron was carried over to where Jordan was sitting on the sofa and deposited beside him.

"Hey kid, sorry my son is such an ass."

He is, but at least he's not nearly as aggressive as some lions I've seen. Arron mewed and nuzzled against his side with a happy purr. He felt safe just being around him. Maybe it had something to do with the pride mentality of lions. Being a cheetah, most of their instincts were opposite, so he honestly wasn't too sure. He shouldn't feel safe around Jordan, but he almost felt like one of the pride, and that meant that the head male would always protect him.

When Terran sat down next to Jordan Arron eyed him cautiously, but accepted a few pats on the head before swatting at his hand.

"You grew a little bit while away, Arron." He stated.

He had noticed that, too, but it wasn't enough to really flaunt. His kitten had probably gained a pound or two. It was nice to know that he was at least still growing and hadn't stopped. Maybe he'd have his adult cheetah one day.

"But when you bred with that elephant... Erin? I think? You grew at least a few pounds right after dad said. Maybe that kick-started your body to finally do what it's supposed to?"

Makes as much sense as anything else. He did grow quite a bit when he had shifted after his awkward time with Erin. His cheetah was nearly twice his original kitten's size that he had been stuck in before, but was still definitely small.

"So, I was wondering..." Terran said, making Arron's ears perk up a little in curiosity.

"How about we go on a little date, hm?"


The shock on Arron's face was honestly adorable. It felt a bit odd asking a kitten out in the first place, but Terran knew that he was old enough to understand everything. Of course, he was partially doing it because of his brother's shitty behavior, but in the same thought, he wanted to show Arron that he didn't have to feel like he had to put up with Rylan's attitude.

He wasn't sure if they were dating yet, but he knew that was what Rylan was eventually going to try for. He liked Arron, but he was raised as a lion, and never really paid attention when their father went over interacting with other species. That was mainly because he had never wanted anything for a mate besides a lion, until Arron came along.

"Let me show you a nice time at least?" He asked with a lazy smile.

Arron pawed at his left ear nervously, which was way too cute since he was still a fuzzy kitten. Then his form wavered and he was back to his human self.

Jordan calmly but quickly pulled one of the blankets they left atop the sofa over Arron's waist for a bit of modesty. Sighing, Arron leaned back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling for a few moments before turning his head toward Terran.

"I guess. A nice time sounds good."

Time to make my bastard of a brother jealous and realize what he's about to lose if he doesn't get his act together.

"Hey, Tayn? Wake up."

No, go away.

Tayn felt something nuzzle against his hair for a moment, bringing him around slowly. A faint musky smell wafted into his nose., too. 

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