Chapter 15: Can We Be Friends?

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Rylan grinned as he walked into the kitchen and saw Arron licking at his left hand. The cake really was delicious, and the part he had just picked up hadn't touched the floor. He couldn't help but suck at the frosting it left on his fingers.

"You're going to instigate another mistake if you keep that up."

Arron released his finger a moment later and blushed, averting his eyes. Feeling a faint brush against his hair, he glanced up from where he knelt next to the remaining cake he hadn't gotten cleaned up yet.

"Your hair is really soft, Spots."

Uh, okay?


Arron was pretty sure that he still had a bunch of icing and cake in it, but he wasn't about to argue. Heck, they probably got cake all over the house considering how much they were running around.

Not looking forward to cleaning that up.

Rylan was just beginning to lean down to help him work on the mess they'd made all over the floor when he caught sight of the clock and growled.

"I need to go get Jared and Jamie." He said, standing again.

"Oh, I'll come." Arron said as he stood, too.

Rylan rose an eyebrow at him but shrugged.

"Just let me get dressed real quick." Arron said as he started heading out of the kitchen.

"But I like you in your birthday suite. Why not just lose those shorts? They're mine, anyway."

"Ha." Arron grumbled as he nudged his shoulder while passing him.

Rylan responded by mussing up his already sloppy hair, earning a hiss from Arron. He could hear Rylan's laughter as he hurried upstairs and was back down in less than three minutes. Even with his speed, he still had to run outside in order to catch Rylan.

The twin cubs were just getting off the bus down the street when he caught up, and they were in their cub forms dragging their backpacks.

"You guys are a pain. Why do you always change on the bus and ruin your clothes?" Rylan grumbled as he picked up both of their little backpacks and swung them over his shoulder.

The two little cubs looked up at their brother and mewed together. Okay, that's kind of cute.
When Jamie turned toward him, Arron opened his arms and grunted when the heavy cub jumped into them. He had honestly done the gesture to give him a hug, but he guessed that he could carry the furball the one block it took to get back home. With that thought, Arron turned and began heading back as Rylan walked with Jared.

"Did you have a good day at school, Jamie?" Arron asked.

The small lion moved a bit so that it could nuzzle just under his chin, then began making purring sounds.

"Sounds like you did."

When they got back to the house Arron quickly got busy cleaning up the dinner they had gotten on the floor and then finished up getting the cake. He even had to go around the house and scrub it out of the carpet in some places.

Guess this is why parents say not to play with your food. I can finally say that I agree.

"Wanna go to the bakery, boys?" Rylan asked.

Arron tossed the last of the paper towels he had been using to clean up their mess when he noticed that Rylan had hopped in the shower to rinse out his hair and wash his face. He had on a new change of clothing and both Jared and Jamie were back in their human forms and in clothing, too.

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