Chapter 16: Other Fun Things

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(My newer rescue dog will hopefully be getting adopted this Saturday. Fingers crossed. She is ready for a home without my crazy aussie.) 

Well, sleep didn't quite work the way he had planned. In fact, Arron was up within two hours of falling asleep as thunder boomed right outside the window. Lightning soon followed, then an even louder rumble of thunder that actually shook the house. He wasn't afraid of the dark, but when he was younger he'd gotten lost in a thunderstorm in his cheetah form and now his instincts freaked out whenever there was a bad one.

After a very long mental discussion with himself, he decided to take a quick shower and hopefully relax his nerves. The lightning lit up his room every few seconds, allowing him to slide out of bed and grab a pair of boxers, then easily head for the hallway without bumping into any walls.

He quietly made his way to the bathroom by the stairs, being sure not to make any noise. Rylan to be on the phone with his door shut, but the rest of the Leo family seemed to be asleep. There were plenty of towels still folded up on the back of the toilet that were no doubt put there by Rylan's mother or father.

I should help out with some chores soon.

As Arron stepped out of Rylan's shorts and got the water going in the shower, he heard a yawn by the door and turned to see said lion shifter leaning sleepily against the door jamb.

"Uh?" Arron whispered unintelligibly.

"Why are you taking a shower at midnight, Spots?"

He didn't think that saying he was afraid of thunderstorms would be a good idea. Never reveal a weakness to a predator. He could sense Rylan's lion pretty close to the surface, too, so he wasn't too sure what kind of reaction he would get.

"The storm woke me up. I was just going to take a quick shower to relax before going back to bed." He said quietly.

Arron noticed Rylan's hand moving and had to quickly look away as it dipped into his boxers and began scratching. It seemed to take him a minute to process what he had said, but he easily figured out that he was partially lying when a loud boom of thunder rocked the house and Arron jumped a good three feet in the air.

"Nice one, Spots."

Arron really didn't want Rylan mocking him so he quickly jumped into the shower and yanked the curtain closed.

"Go away."

There was no response for a minute so Arron figured that he'd left. He quietly began humming as he scrubbed his body, then lathered up his hair. The water was perfectly hot, which definitely helped calm his nerves. Turning, he began stepping under the spray of water, but was suddenly tugged backward by an arm around his waist, making him yelp from surprise.



Arron's heart jumped into his throat when he felt Rylan's hard chest press against his back.


He needed to wash his hair out but Rylan pushed him against the cold tile wall instead of letting him go under the hot water.

"Be quiet, Spots. I came to ask you something."

It couldn't wait until I got out of the shower?


"I'm going out tomorrow night after the game."

But Jordan said we had to come straight home.

"But your dad said no." Arron said quietly.

"Hush, Spots!" Rylan hissed. "You're going to cover for me."

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