
@Llawlietlover212 I have stopped using wattpad, and I am now using my dA, fictionpress.com, and fanfiction.net accounts. If you want to see the rest of this story (which is still ongoing) it is on my fanfiction.net account, under the username poxto!


Hi there!  Just wanted to let you know that I’ll be changing my username soon.  It won’t be Llawlietlover212 anymore; it’ll be JaneSunday.  Anyways, thank you for simply being a fan of mine.  It means the world to me!


@poxto28 This is because the popularity of each story here on wattpad is costantly changing (either moving up or moving down). In other words, unless one has a large number of views/ votes/ etc. consistently (key word: consistently), the What's Hot list placement does not last very long. Not many stories keep a constant placement. Take my stories, for example. The majority of them were on the What's Hot list only a few days ago, and now they are not anymore due to this.
          Hope this gave you better understanding! Oh lord, I feel like I just answered a question on yahoo answers :D I'll go and read chapter 8 of your story now! Can't wait to!


Chapter 8 is a little bit shorter than the rest, but has a good cliff hanger (sort of) anyway I was wondering why under the title LoVe: The childhood of L and V didn't have the thing saying What's Hot #356 like it was last time? Can anyone explain to me why? And hope you like chapter 8!