
Can I just say thank you to all my amazing readers? Every day you guys make me smile. I'm so glad to have such positive feedback on my story... From 100 reads to now 4,500, you have all been so supportive. Thank you An update is coming soon! 


Can I just say thank you to all my amazing readers? Every day you guys make me smile. I'm so glad to have such positive feedback on my story... From 100 reads to now 4,500, you have all been so supportive. Thank you An update is coming soon! 


How do you get people to view your stories DX


@Fox_Freedom I just saw this! Sorry for the wait! I would be happy to help you make a cover. Just private message me about how you want it and I will see what I can do :) 


I need help making a cover? Have any suggestions x3


@madiplr TYSM! I appreciate the help :) I wrote some stories and the only one that has a good amount of views is a warrior cats book XD which really upsets me because Id rather not write warriors books anymore..


I am deeply saddened by the death of young Anton Yelchin who played Chekov in the new Star Trek movies. He died in a car accident early this morning. Keeping his family and all his fans in my thoughts and prayers today.