
hope y’all have a merry Christmas, if u celebrate it, and just a swell time if u don’t 


@icanseelights  sorry for the late reply, but you too! Hope you're having a happy new year!


@icanseelights yes to all of those things, but especially to fall of the Berlin Wall, I don't about everyone else but I would go crazy over that story. 


Hahaha I was psyched when I thought of it- I'll look into a plot and everything once I've visited Berlin in a couple days and then get writing once I'm back home! 


I'm interrailing through Europe rn so I'm taking a break from writing but I'm also getting a load of ideas. 
          I have started the rewrite of I Saw The Lights Go Out, but would anyone fancy some European phan au's? 
          I'm thinking set in Amsterdam, maybe Berlin?
          Modern Amsterdam ft graffiti artist Dan and tourist - art-purist(?) - Phil. 
          1980s Berlin ft fall of the Berlin Wall and illegal parties and dating as inspired by Atomic Blonde - but with a little less badassery. 
          (Also a possibility: best friends Dan and Phil go interrailing through Europe and fall in love along the way)


thanks! I'll look into beginning someone once I'm back on home terf! 


I really wanna rewrite I Saw the Lights Go Out because my writing style has improved SO much but like OH MY GOD THE EFFORT OF THAT NOOOOOOO
          - but also lmk if that's smth ppl would want me to do (I'd probably leave the old version up as is and just repost the new version chap by chap as I go). 


@icanseelights I vote do it, if you want to, no pressure


So I was thinking maybe I'd make 'The Magic Inside' into a Disney series. Idk tho. I have ideas for a Beauty and the Beast story and also a Little Mermaid Story - and maybe a Black Cauldron story (AKA THE MOST UNDERRATED DISNEY MOVIE EVER GO WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY ITS MY FAVE). But it's up to y'all if you'd like that to be a thing, and if so, which story do you think should be next??? 
          (I'm thinking it'll be a 'Dan the Disney Princess AU' but I'm not entirely sure if I wanna make Phil the princess sometimes or not lol lmk).