I always wanted to be a writer. I tried working other jobs and writing, but that never seemed to work out. Then I snuck into journalism, avoiding the gatekeepers who always try to tell you, you're not good enough. I did that for years, specialising in science and tech, for top newspapers.  Then I ran a magazine for engineers for a long time.  Today I do research and public policy for a living but I still need to write. So here I am, sneaking by the gatekeepers of the publishing world, all over again.
When I was younger I liked science fiction or fantasy but gradually I tired of made up worlds. Most of them lacked truth, and the characters were 2D. I like a world and characters I can believe in. I like motivation. I like an emotional journey told with truth rather than garnishing. I like a narrative where the narrator isn't hidden, but tells the audience who they are, and why they have the voice they do.
  • Wellington, New Zealand
  • InscritJuly 9, 2013

Histoire par Peter King
The Whole Truth by Gregory Goyle par PeterKing4
The Whole Truth by Gregory Goyle
It turns out Harry Potter was more autobiographical than the world was led to believe.