
Happy Easter everyone!
          	Hope you have / had a great day!
          	In Germany it's already 22.43 pm and in the US between 13.43 and 16.43  that's kinda crazzyyy
          	Okay I'm talking to much haha I hope anyone will read read that and yeah 
          	xx Dana 


Hey :)
          Kann mir jemand eine Ncis/Tiva fanfic empfehlen? Kann auch von euch selber sein ;) Alle die ich finde hab ich schon gelesen :D
          Can anyone advise some Ncis/Tiva fanfics? Can also be yours ;) I've already read all the stories I know :D
          Danke // Thanks ❤️


Hey :)
          I wish you all a happy, successful new year 2015!! ❤️
          Make your dreams come true! You'll never be as young as you are now! 
          Ich wünsche euch ein frohes, erfolgreiches neues Jahr 2015!! ❤️
          Lasst eure Träume wahr werden! Ihr werdet niemals wieder so jung sein wie jetzt!