
So I'm taking a break from both stories. Some huge drama has been happening in my life. I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and the family drama isn't helping. I'm sorry I'm just having a hard time dealing with it. Sorry again. Bye


Hey thanks for voting on bloodn on your hands I was wondering if you made it to the end of the  chapter I was reading it in my library but it was cut off I want to know of u were having the same problem. 


I made it all the way through. I have that problem sometimes and I can usually refresh the app (that's what I use) or delete and then re add the story. 


Here's another part of the message before it got deleted: (this is a totally random part, idek)
          as a kid but had to get rid of some of them. I still have my bear, moose, another bear, giraffe, and lobster. Yup, a lobster stuffed animal. 
          Trust me on this, I am the queen of all weirdness and we, weirdos must embrace ourselves as the weird people we are. Loads of my friends call me weird and I'm just like, "Weird is cool". Therefore, I am cool and so are you! WEIRDOS FTW! Oh gosh, Valentine's Day is coming up and I'm just like, "Single potato for life" while everyone else is gushing about their crushes. 
          I also have loads of insecurities as well. Most having to do with my appearance. But the both of us need to fight those insecurities because they are just sucky pieces if trash that weigh us down in life. The good thing is, once we've hit the bottom, there is no way to go but up. Totally didn't just quote so movie, heh heh. All we can do is look up and see the good things in life and to not focus on everything that's wrong with us. There's stuff wrong with us we're humans not creatures who are somehow perfect. For example, I would like to lose weight. What is my reaction, I stress and wear baggy goodies 


          Just wanted to kind of post a message here. I don't really know why but I feel like it. You sounded cool..so yeah. I actually stumbled across your profile accidentally and just decided to leave a little message here. Excuse my extreme awkwardness. Just wanted to ask a question or two, so I hope you'll see this even if you don't ever respond. 
          -Why do you think you are a nobody?
          You are obviously a somebody. I felt very depressed at one point a couple of years ago and spent a lot of time wondering why I was even put on Earth, why it was worth it to even make friends anymore. But I figured this out and you should too. You will always matter to someone and are NOT a nobody. I care about you, strangely enough even if we don't know each other, and you aren't seen nobody to me. You are a someone, someone who has an impact on this world. You could do something amazing one day. What if Helen Keller or Albert Einstein had just told themselves they were nobodies. They may have never become the amazing people we remember them as today. Also, calling yourself a nobody is very self-put-down(at least it is to me) and you should have all the confidence in the worls because you sound like just an amazing person.