
Hey pals, I know you're probably all annoyed w me for not updating,,,,, in 9 months,,,, but I'm just trying to figure out what to do next w my story. In the meantime, I'm gonna finish revamping my old story, The Darkness of The Light, and I'll re-release it so y'all do have something to read. I'd love to update the wolf queen more often but it's one of my "babies" when it comes to writing and I really want to be able to do it justice and with that comes a lot of me trying to make it perfect, not only for my characters, but also for you guys! So yeah. Please give The Darkness of The Light a read while I try to figure my next chapter out! 


Hey pals, I know you're probably all annoyed w me for not updating,,,,, in 9 months,,,, but I'm just trying to figure out what to do next w my story. In the meantime, I'm gonna finish revamping my old story, The Darkness of The Light, and I'll re-release it so y'all do have something to read. I'd love to update the wolf queen more often but it's one of my "babies" when it comes to writing and I really want to be able to do it justice and with that comes a lot of me trying to make it perfect, not only for my characters, but also for you guys! So yeah. Please give The Darkness of The Light a read while I try to figure my next chapter out! 


Hi friends! So first of all, I know the most recent update to The Wolf Queen is kinda rough, but it's gonna lead into a flashback next chapter, which should make up for it. Secondly, if there's anything I'm getting wrong with the gg stuff, please tell me.  I feel like it feels the same because it's love, but because I'm straight there may be nuances I'm missing and feelings I haven't quite conveyed properly, so if that is the case, please let me know. Also will be finishing the re-write of The Darkness of The Light soon. Thank you guys for your support and your patience :) xx