
After a long time away, I am slowly returning to Wattpad. I don't expect any new writing soon, but will be attempting to catch up on old messages where I can.  
          	For now, my focus is on collecting all of my old horror short stories and preparing them for publication as an anthology. The good news is, once that is done, I will be returning my next most complete work, which is Radiowaves of the Macabre, and as I started it here, I fully intend to finish it here.
          	Anyway, to those of my readers that have not abandoned me while I was away, thanks for reading!


@L_Zeth Thank you. I hope you've been well.


So . . . if I were to read one of your horror stories, which would you recommend? It’s my preferred genre at the moment, and you seem to have a lot of works! 


@SarahQuinnMcGrath Sorry, I've been away.  For a quick read, I recommend Last Call. For something psychological, and a bit longer, I recommend Calling Mr. Nelson Pugh.


After a long time away, I am slowly returning to Wattpad. I don't expect any new writing soon, but will be attempting to catch up on old messages where I can.  
          For now, my focus is on collecting all of my old horror short stories and preparing them for publication as an anthology. The good news is, once that is done, I will be returning my next most complete work, which is Radiowaves of the Macabre, and as I started it here, I fully intend to finish it here.
          Anyway, to those of my readers that have not abandoned me while I was away, thanks for reading!


@L_Zeth Thank you. I hope you've been well.


@Ooonai Thank you!  I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. I really need to get back to posting some others.  Most of my supernatural horror stories on here are connected though the connections are very loose and meant more as Easter eggs when you find the links.  This one has always been a favorite of mine.


Hi mate :) Any update?


@SebJenkins Sure.  Placing a giant sticky on my monitor now, so I don't forget. Will reach out after work.


@ChristopherOpyr Hi mate! Welcome back. Fancy dropping me an email?


@SebJenkins Easing back into Wattpad now... but it's slow wade in, with hundreds of replies to catch up on.  I hope you're doing well.