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  • The Saladmanders at Hogwarts
    387 53 9

    "I turn to see Cat and Udj Udj waving frantically at me from across the platform. They're fourth year Hufflepuffs and get into more trouble than I can manage to keep track of, let alone remedy...then Cat spots Seal and Avo, who are Ravenclaws in the same year as she and Udj Udj. The four of them met in their first yea...

  • The Locket
    33.2K 1.7K 47

    How do war and family and love go together? Answer: they don't. When Tina barely survives a battle against Grindelwald, lines are drawn, boundaries are crossed, and wires are twisted in the attempt to keep her alive. ____________________________ A few notes about my writing: -Always clean: no swearing, nothing inappr...