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  • Actor For The Hijabi
    48.6K 3.1K 32

    ''Whatever, so how do you say you're so cool Amal?'' Suddenly a bright smile appeared on his face. Was he that happy to teach me Italian? ''Mi sto innamorando di te, Amal. (I'm falling in love with you, Amal)'' I sat up and looked at him, ''Wow, that sounds so beautiful!'' He nodded at what I said. ''Mi sto innamoran...

  • Unacceptable Love | ✓
    256K 10.4K 42

    ''I want you out of my life! I don't want to fucking see you!'' His voice got louder. ''Then I'll do what you want!'' I stutter trying to walk away from him, but before I got to do that he pushes me against the wall again. He lifts my chin up and looks straight into my eyes. ''But my heart doesn't want the same thin...

  • His Silly Student - Love Story Between A Teacher & A Student | ✓
    177K 8.4K 38

    ''Rasha, if it's not you, it's not anyone. And if I have to fight for you, I'll do that. Even if it takes years to get you back, I'll still wait for you.'' I want to cry, cry my lungs out. How, how is he still being like this? Why won't he give up on me? ''I love you Rasha, I fucking love you.'' Rasha Hamadini is a 1...
