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  • Cover Shop || V.G. [OPEN]
    2K 67 10

    Meet our team, the newly hired Voldemy Gang. We are open for any book cover requests. There is a provided format and specific guidelines to be followed before you will be able to make your request. Read this book for more details

    152 53 10

    This story is about 7 majestic people. They didn't know about the challenges that they will face. They are selected because of their abilities and skills in their own field. Other people can't handle the power of the majestic crystals. In this story you will come to know about the powers and the challenges of our warr...

  • Onde Está a Minha Felicidade.
    47 3 1

    uma pessoa que se apaixona e por causa disso trás uma consequência que vai leva para vida toda, e assim ela aprende a vencer cada Batalha.

  • Blue Unknown
    97 13 6

    It was what she had to do to save humanity. That's what her higher-ups told her at least. Allison Marino is a researcher at one of the world's most classified facilities that works fervently to find the cures to some of the most deadly illnesses known to man. Their success rates are high, but there are still the fata...

  • marathi love poem (रात)
    702 6 1

    this poem is so interesting to read and this poem is about in love

  • तू आणि मी
    970 21 4

    "तू आणि मी" ही कविता (poem) आहे. मला काय येत नाही कविता पण तिच्यासाठी केली ती ही पहिली कविता शाळेत असताना केलीली. एकदा मी आणि ती असाच बसलो होतो तेव्हा मी तिला प्रश्न केला की "तू माझ्यावर किती प्रेम करते?" तेव्हा ती म्हणाली की "मी असा सांगू नाही शकत" मग मी बोलो मग "लिहून सांग"आणि तिला कविता लिहायचा शॉक होता. तिने दुसऱ्...

  • Sweet molly Dearest holly (WILL UNDERGO REVISION)
    8.3K 179 31

    ***NOW FEATURED*** *Now featured in Wattpad's @fright profile for "Chills & Thrills" Stories /HIGHEST RANK: #25 IN HORROR/ _________________________________________ This story is purely fictional. Names, places and events from this story is all the author's idea and part of imagination. Characters/names/places/events...

  • The Harlow
    1.1K 347 15

    You can't tame the spirit of someone who has a magic in their veins. ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ "Yes.That is who I am, a granddaughter of a witch they weren't able to burn." Cover made by @onederstruck- #4 in Harlow #46 in LoveRomance

  • Lainey and the Magicians (First Draft)
    5.9K 123 42

    A fictional story of a girl who tries to break away from her reckless magical past toward a bright future. Read and you'll see what happens.
