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  • Worlds Apart
    1K 63 18

    Time Lord Emma Lair is angry. Two years have past since she met the Doctor, and no sign of him. She's called, but no answer. But when her TARDIS goes into destruct, the one person she's been trying to get attention from for two years, finally shows up. But is Emma ready to forgive the Doctor for ignoring her? Note: I...

  • Professor Song: Luna University
    1.6K 104 3

    What Professor Song's students and co-workers think of her and go through. These stories are based on characters and situations created and owned by BBC and Steven Moffat. No money is being made from them and no infringement is intended. Cover by: @RomioneGirl

  • Forever Yours (A Doctor Who fanfic)
    81.1K 2.2K 21

    Electra is a Time Lord. After she is ripped from her TARDIS during the time war, and saved only by a stasis field, she is rescued by The Doctor, her husband. But she has slept longer than she thought and many things have changed. Will she be able to cope with the Doctor getting remarried? Even after they promised each...

  • Child Of Mine (Doctor Who)
    1K 36 2

    Now are the theories true? Is Clara Oswald really some relative of Rivers, is she really her daughter? Is that why they have a physcic link? This book will see what it would be like if Clara was indeed River and The Doctors child.

  • River's Daughter
    3.7K 140 12

    River had a daughter 8 years ago but never told the Doctor. He finds little Thalia in America on a mission to save George Washington. He notices how she talks and behaves and immediately sees she's clearly not from this time. He takes her along!

  • Raising a Song 101 [Sequel to Hello Sweetie]
    30.2K 1.5K 19

    River is as close to the Library as she can get without going to Darillium. Amy and Rory have just disappeared from the Doctor's life. So, the plan- 1. save River from the Library. Her regaining the ability to regenerate a bonus. 2. Raise his daughter to the best of his ability. 3. Beg River for another baby. 4. Do al...

  • I Didn't Mean It (Doctor Who)
    122K 6.5K 23

    Some people may say she was a hero, but to her, she will always be the opposite. She will always be the girl who killed the Doctor.

  • River Song has left the library, River Song has been saved (under editing)
    6K 196 14

    River Song has left the library River Song has been saved. Living in cal is fine for now. The Doctor handles things badly, will he ever get her back? Or will he be alone forever. But the perfect world must come to an end. Rated pg 13

  • The Doctor's Sister
    94.6K 2.6K 22

    The Doctor never talked about his family. He thought they were all dead or hated him, until today.

  • Forever In My Hearts
    483 23 1

    When River Song is about to sacrifice herself in 'Forest Of The Dead' in order to save the people in the Library, there is one person who is determined to say goodbye to her no matter how dangerous it is...

  • River Song: Hello Sweetie
    27.3K 1.1K 22

    When life gives you River Song and the Doctor, it's never boring. A series of one shots of the unchronicled adventures of the Mad Man with the blue box and his bespoke psychopath... The trouble is only beginning...

  • River Songs's Secret
    8.8K 338 13

    We all know River Song is full of spoilers and secrets, but this is her biggest one of all.

  • Jealousy is in the air
    9.4K 419 7

    Torchwood has got an interesting case- shadows that eat. Martha and Jack find the Doctor, his current companions, and River onboard the TARDIS. The Doctor has to get the Vashta Nerada dealt with, and quickly. Unfortunately, first he has to go through drama with his old companions. These stories are based on characte...

  • Absolutely Real
    8.4K 577 25

    Fern has nightmares, horrid nightmares, every night. But slowly, she starts to realize that they're real...absolutely real. One night, Fern wakes up screaming but for once, she was actually comforted. By a man, named, The Doctor. But this isn't the last time she meets him. She meets him again, and again. The Doctor is...

  • The Other Definition {REVISED}
    13.8K 603 15

    After the TARDIS has a shaky landing on a remote and unfamiliar planet, the Doctor and Clara soon meet an enigmatic yet somehow familar young woman. Claiming to be the daughter of the Doctor and River Song, making her the Child of the TARDIS squared, Brook Song is desperate to prove her identity. About to be wed to F...

  • A Life Without the Doctor
    2.5K 140 11

    The life she leads here isn't the one she wanted. Technically, it isn't a life at all. But somehow, he's given her the one thing she never let herself want-a Pond of her own. And in the end, the Doctor always comes, doesn't he? This is River's story of living in the Mainframe.

  • Telling the family
    2K 96 1

    Amy and Rory's parents find out about River (after being interrupted during Christmas Dinner). A Doctor Who fan fiction. These stories are based on characters and situations created and owned by BBC and Steven Moffat. No money is being made from them and no infringement is intended.

  • A Night At Stormcage
    989 41 1

    A River Song fanfic. A new guard is confronted with a strange prisoner....

  • Parallel Love (Doctor Who FanFiction)
    215K 7.1K 21

    *SEQUEL TO 'MY BOW TIE WEARING TIME LORD* Madison Brown. She got shot by River song. The jealous wife of her boyfriend, The Doctor. Everyone watched her say her goodbyes to the loved ones. Then she shut her eyes and everything ended. Then, she died and it was all over. Right? Wrong. Suddenly Maddy wakes up in the Para...

  • My Bow Tie Wearing Time Lord (Doctor Who FanFiction)
    830K 26.6K 35

    *2013 WATTY AWARD NOMINEE* "I'm Madison by the way. Madison Lauren Kristin Brown, Maddy for short. I'm an alien. A Time lord to be exact. That's me. An alien posing as a human living on Earth, while saving other planets from other alien threats. Simple life, right?" Madison Brown is Time Lord living on Earth. Every d...

  • The lost child of Gallifrey (Doctor Who Fanfic)
    412K 13.6K 29

    Amelia rose smith is an extremely intelligent 11 year old. After 9 years of living with her foster mother Amelia is kidnapped by strange Aliens were she meets a total mad man, and finally finds out who her parents are and most importantly who she is. This is totally for entertainment per- posses only. All rights go to...