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  • The Deal
    4.3K 349 1

    (The Deal was optioned by TNT!) The mysterious Lee Cutter and his Carnival of Wonders hold a secret darker than any of the citizens of 1930's Junction City, Kansas can imagine. When Mr. Cutter shows up to town early one morning promising an end to the dust storms that have decimated the town's crops and stricken many...

  • Whimper
    34K 171 3

    -A short thriller-

  • Knocks
    35 6 1

    Waking up in the middle of that night isn't fun, especially when knocks woke you up.....

  • Birthright
    39K 2K 8

    The Cartwright clan has worked the farm for almost a century. On the surface, they are prosperous pillars of the community. But once a generation, a wicked harvest must be reaped, to ensure that the family never falls. The appointed time for Joshua Cartwright's offspring approaches. He has to remind himself that we al...
