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  • Emotions Change.
    7K 576 18

    Join me and my crazy emotions I dare you!

    Kumpleto   Mature
  • October Baby
    1.4K 25 2

    16 year old, Natalie Dawson, finds herself on a road trip looking for her real mother, and finds love along the way

  • It all happened so suddenly
    55 4 3

    Wow he was so cute...when his eyes locked mine I couldn't even...my friends for some reason didn't trust him but I did

  • I can't take it anymore
    684 20 12

    13 year old Hailie Cruz has been going through the hardest point in time...in her life. Her mom has abused her ever since her dad got killed by her ex- boyfriend. Most people call her a slut because of what she wears. But she wears it to fit in. But what she doesn't know is the things she get called behind her back...

  • endless
    7.2K 745 30

    a collection of thoughts, poems and writings, by yours truly. copyright by heights on wattpad; please do not redistribute or you will be dealt with accordingly. poetry #272 other #417 26/10

  • Trapped in Forever
    774K 25.6K 71

    Amanda Rose is too young for her best friend to be dead. She went to bed to one world and woke up to an entirely different one the next morning when her best friend, Roxanne, committed suicide, leaving Amanda behind with only one missed phone call, a message she can't bring herself to listen to. And then comes in Orio...

  • Lost
    259K 4.8K 22

    Sarah's an average teenager but when she gets kidnapped her world's turned upside down. Not knowing where she is and wondering if she is going to survive. This is Sarah's story about how being kidnapped can scar you forever.

  • Fears
    2.8K 118 3

    "You're afraid." He stated, studying my face. "I'm not afraid." I lied. "Then let me in." My heart thudded against my ribcage. "No." "Why?" "Because everyone who says they love me, says they're going to be there, leave eventually." "So you are scared." ...

  • Suicide.
    947 42 3

    Nova she was alone and missarablie hated and abbused she was deppresed and scared of everyone and everything. everything was falling apart and she couldnt take it anymore.

  • Hiding the Pain
    66 2 2

    This is a fictional story about a teenage girl who is abused by her foster mother. This will explain the struggles she goes though as she tries to run away. ❤ Enjoy ❤

  • If I Stay
    2.1K 29 3
