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  • artischocke (4)
    11K 1.9K 39

    o no not again !!!!! their followers yelled in agony

  • Arttastic world 11
    349K 53.8K 198

    normally id say something questioning why i bother to stay on this site but im obviously still here so

  • my art (1)
    57.9K 8.4K 183

    hi this book is gross check out the newest one

  • Yet Another Art Book of Sorts (3)
    13.2K 2.1K 40

    More art books but...three's a crowd.

  • Arttastic World 10
    363K 57K 204

    ah damn i didnt mean to take it this far

  • artisokka (3)
    38.9K 9.2K 159

    ill do anything in exchange for puns tbh

  • people call for help (4)
    29.3K 6.1K 194

    save me from this art hell -readers I want to end my life! -readers I came here for free pizza -me

  • Arttastic world 9
    372K 55K 199

    why am i like this

  • ART
    90.3K 12K 76

    new year new me (and new art) art book

  • Art book
    5.1K 596 143

    This is just a continuation of my old art book and it would be the same one if SOMONE hadn't deleted my account. Oh well. Let's get started! Highest rating: doesn't matter.

  • cool and new art book
    10.4K 1.6K 220

    whoa people still read descriptions???

  • Arttastic world 8
    298K 42.5K 183

    it's just embarassing at this point

  • Art Stuff(1)
    6.2K 1K 30

    art i draw??idkkk

  • Arttastic World
    411K 47.9K 207

    I cant think of a good pun for the number 6. I might think of one later tho so hold onto ur butts

  • what the guy is art
    75K 10K 110

    i dont know what im doing but thats okay

  • "Well Aint That Beautiful" A book of relatable issues for your brain
    1.2K 168 67

    Somewhat relatable issues and stories I have of my life from the minute I had the idea of creating this book until (Hopefully) the day I decide to end it.
