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  • Zodiac Signs - One-Shots And Short Stories
    53.8K 1.2K 10

    Short stories and one-shots of the Zodiac signs. Book cover made by: @I_Luv_Oreos_Girl

  • Scorpio x Pisces
    38.2K 910 15

    Well Scorpio is the mean manipulative bad boy of the school and Pisces is the sweeter then sugar and flowers and the weakens! How will the their stereotypical high school handle it when the two fall in love? --------------- Note I'm a Pisces I don't think that Pisces are weak in any way so please if the characters se...

  • Zodiac Stories
    104K 2K 35

    Short stories and one shots about the zodiac signs. We accept requests! Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

  • Zodiac Stories!
    79.2K 2K 20

    Random scenarios and stuff about the zodiac signs!

  • Academy Of Zodiac
    71K 1.7K 32

    Enter this school of Zodiac signs each interacting among each other. There's the eternal drama of each sign. (Meaning that the love stories will continue and there will be many for each sign.) I will take requests for any sign love story you want me to do, btw. REQUESTS ARE CLOSED ATM It just won't affect the flow of...

  • Zodiac Highschool
    31.2K 942 7

    Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

  • Zodiac signs
    15.8M 567K 277

    Zodiac stuff from internet but mostly tumblr though. I honestly have no idea why you clicked this but well thanks for clicking and enjoy!