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  • Mute
    80.1K 4.6K 44

    Meet Justin Drew Bieber or mainly known as Mute. He's the school's biggest loser and nerd that has very little to say. He constantly gets made fun of and pushed around by the Populars. He only seeks one thing, for people to accept him the way he is. Meet Ariana Grande, the most attractive popular girl in Richwell Hig...

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  • He's Just... Different {Justin Bieber}
    3.8M 58.4K 52

    Imagine if Justin Bieber was falling for... you. This is exactly what happens to Kellie McGallagher. When love brings them together, they get closer and closer. But Justin, has dirty little secrets, that only certain people know. He's dangerous, tormented. He's not the Justin Bieber you think of. But shhh, don't tell...

  • You're My Lover
    1.6M 23K 143

    They want each other in their lives forever. Nothing can ever stop them from being so in love. Justin and Hailee are high school lovers and plan on staying that was for as long as they can. "You're my lover." He whispered to me. Thats when I knew for sure, this was no joke. It was no silly boy and girl thing. This wa...

  • Safe In A Stranger's Arms
    219K 8.4K 55

    All kids hear the same thing before they leave the house: don't talk to strangers. Whether it's just picking up the mail or going for a walk, every parent has the need to remind their child that there are strangers out there who will hurt them. But what about a stranger that makes you feel safe? What about a stranger...

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  • Prison
    88.9K 4K 16

    Ariana Grande has a acquired a job at a prison where she meets fake friends and a guy who she just can't get off her mind. Cover by: rauhlevant

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  • My Gangster Girl ↔ (j.m.)
    107K 4.6K 29

    Kelly Johnson, will do everything for Jason McCann. She will do everything to keep him safe. But Jason lost his memories during a gang war, will she ever make him remember her again? Can she even get his Jason back? All Rights Reserved Copyrights © 2014 kidrauhlll

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  • Sweet Sorrow ❖ JB
    132K 4.8K 39

    Justin Bieber is a student at the University of Miami and he's quite the catch. Shockingly he doesn't have many friends, but that's because he doesn't want to risk getting close to anyone after the one person he loved the most got ripped away from him. His girlfriend, Lia, unfortunately passed away due to a long batt...

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  • Arranged Love (Jelena)
    284K 8.6K 34

    Justin Bieber is at his greatest at age 24. He's the CEO of his father's company. He has all the money and power he could want. He's got any girl at his disposal. He's quite content with the life he lives. Selena Gomez is also 24. Only she's got a six year old son named Jason. Selena's happy living with her parents...

  • Neurotic (Jason McCann)
    4.9M 105K 74

    Neurotic:[noo-rot-ik] Suffering from, caused by, or relating to neurosis. Synonyms: mentally ill, mentally disturbed, unstable, unbalanced, maladjusted, psychopathic, phobic, obsessive-compulsive He's unstable, mentally deranged, possessive, aggressive, and obsessive. Not only has he killed, tortured, robbed, and...

  • Never Let You Go (Justin Bieber Fanfic)
    1.2K 44 8

    Julie Walker is just another girl, living in Stratford, a small village in Canada. Julie suffers with the loss of a boy from her life, who has completely forgotten about her. Will they ever be together again? Can they make up what has been lost?

  • The Proposition. ~Justin Bieber
    301K 11.3K 26

    A love story about two bestfriends who grew up with each other and have been completly inseprable since. Justin Drew Bieber. Over protective best friend of Isabella Ramirez. Justin is known as the most popular and attractive guy in high school. Every girl swoons at the sight of him and he loves it. He reacts to the f...

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  • The Bad Boy Diaries - A McCann Story
    109K 3.1K 25

    Jason's the schools bad boy. He gets bad grades, he plays girls, he's just all around trouble. Sage is his best friend, the girl that has kept him in check since they were toddlers. Until one day the unexpected happens. They fall in love. Since they've been dating Jason promises to give up the bad boy life. He wants t...
